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1. Forget ChatGPT: why researchers now run small AIs on their laptops (nature.com)
675 points by rbanffy 3 days ago | 359 comments
2. Plain Text Accounting (PTA) (plaintextaccounting.org)
334 points by iscream26 8 days ago | 120 comments
3. Be a thermostat, not a thermometer (2023) (larahogan.me)
313 points by dillonshook 12 days ago | 131 comments
4. An NFC movie library for my kids (simplyexplained.com)
1384 points by kzrdude 16 days ago | 314 comments
5. A Pipeline Made of Airbags (ferd.ca)
198 points by packetlost 19 days ago | 42 comments
6. QUIC is not quick enough over fast internet (acm.org)
664 points by Shank 15 days ago | 326 comments
7. My Software Bookshelf (olano.dev)
39 points by facundo_olano 25 days ago | 6 comments
8. Language and shell in Go with 92% test coverage and instant CI/CD [video] (youtube.com)
162 points by todsacerdoti 24 days ago | 41 comments
9. Marketing to Engineers (2001) (bly.com)
245 points by herbertl 27 days ago | 186 comments
10. A Java language cumulative feature rollup (newardassociates.com)
58 points by zdw 26 days ago | 44 comments
11. Google's new pipe syntax in SQL (simonwillison.net)
328 points by heydenberk 30 days ago | 182 comments
12. Maker Skill Trees (github.com/sjpiper145)
478 points by saulpw 26 days ago | 104 comments
13. UltimateAntiCheat (github.com/alsch092)
71 points by skibz 27 days ago | 127 comments
14. Erasure Coding for Distributed Systems (transactional.blog)
284 points by eatonphil 28 days ago | 57 comments
15. Implementing React from Scratch (rob.directory)
177 points by robpruzan 30 days ago | 17 comments
16. A deep dive into how linkers work (2008) (lwn.net)
271 points by thunderbong 33 days ago | 25 comments
17. Seven basic rules for causal inference (pedermisager.org)
218 points by RafelMri 39 days ago | 67 comments
18. Police cannot seize property indefinitely after an arrest, federal court rules (reason.com)
840 points by throwup238 36 days ago | 464 comments
19. Interviewing the Interviewer: Questions to Uncover a Company's True Culture (praachi.work)
455 points by abhas9 41 days ago | 220 comments
20. Ask HN: What do you monitor on your servers?
346 points by gorkemcetin 41 days ago | 186 comments
21. Show HN: Denormalized – Embeddable Stream Processing in Rust and DataFusion (github.com/probably-nothing-labs)
125 points by ambrood 39 days ago | 31 comments
22. Galois Theory (utexas.edu)
467 points by mathgenius 40 days ago | 234 comments
23. Introduction to Machine Learning Interviews Book (huyenchip.com)
151 points by ibobev 59 days ago | 9 comments
24. Applied Machine Learning for Tabular Data (aml4td.org)
154 points by sebg 60 days ago | 20 comments
25. Story points are pointless, measure queues (brightball.com)
345 points by brightball 70 days ago | 288 comments
26. XLSTMTime: Long-Term Time Series Forecasting with xLSTM (arxiv.org)
231 points by beefman 69 days ago | 53 comments
27. Crafting Interpreters (craftinginterpreters.com)
607 points by metadat 73 days ago | 187 comments
28. Disney's Internal Slack Breached? NullBulge Leaks 1.1 TiB of Data (hackread.com)
331 points by artninja1988 72 days ago | 232 comments
29. Things I learned while writing an x86 emulator (2023) (timdbg.com)
353 points by fanf2 75 days ago | 127 comments
30. Rebooting (something like) early Triplebyte (otherbranch.com)
122 points by luu 78 days ago | 87 comments

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