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My Software Bookshelf (olano.dev)
39 points by facundo_olano 25 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

A detailed blog post formatted entirely as footnotes! Not my preferred style, but I appreciate the impact of the "real" content being provided as "mere" context.

Is it me or are authors not specified?

Love the list but it would help a lot to have the authors next to each book

I considered adding them (also considered adding links to the book page) but I ended up preferring the uncluttered titles only version. (I know it makes it inconvenient to lookup the book).

No problem, just wanted to be sure it was not me. Love your website btw!

Great to see Essentials Of Compilation by Jeremy Siek mentioned. Also has a Python version.

One I would recommend for anyone's bookshelf at any level because it is so good: https://natureofcode.com/

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