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If you think those read speeds are great, try DuckDB (which has many SIMD improvements) if you want to blow your socks off.


Per the comments someone made a web app for this already

At first, I thought you built a justwatch.com clone. But, after a quick inspection I realized you solve a related but different use-case where the user already paid for the streaming service holding the rights to the media, but not necessarily match the user’s country location. By enabling the user to check in what countries the media is available you also unlock a new business model based on VPN affiliation programs (brilliant!) instead of streaming service affiliation programs like justwatch does. I wonder if both revenues models are complementary in the long run.

It’s nuts that watching media from another country for a streaming service I pay for is as easy as changing my IP to the desired country. Does it really work in this way?

Also, I hope you can provide some light on whether you are gaining any traction and unlocking vpn subcriptions revenue.

Suggestion: let the user select from what country it connects And/or automatically detect it. I’m in Europe and it’s confusing it offers me to stream from my own country using a vpn.

Someone, somewhere on YT [1], coined the term Vanilla CEOs to describe non-tech-savvy CEOs, typically MBA graduates, who may struggle to innovate consistently. Unlike their tech-savvy counterparts, these CEOs tend to maintain the status quo rather than pursue bold visions for their companies..

1. https://youtu.be/gD3RV8nMzh8

running it with LM Studio. No command line and has a huggingface browser, very user friendly.

Use ollama [1]

$ ollama run mixtral

[1] https://github.com/jmorganca/ollama

A few years back, I was trying to find out how to reduce mistakes in the programs I write.

I got introduced to Lamport's TLA+ for creating formal specifications, thinking of program behaviors in state machines. TLA+ taught me about abstraction in a clear manner.

Then I also discovered the book series "software foundations", which uses the Coq proof assistant to build formally correct software. The exercises in this book are little games and I found them quite enjoyable to work through.


If you want to try Llama 2 on a Mac and have Homebrew (or Python/pip) you may find my LLM CLI tool interesting: https://simonwillison.net/2023/Aug/1/llama-2-mac/

I am not a Cantonese speaker; however, in Mandarin, fonts with phonetic guidance are very common.

e.g., Hann-Tzong Wang's (王漢宗) free font collection[1] includes two typefaces with phonetic pronunciation guidance. These are wp{0..3}10-05.ttf and wp{0..3}10-08.ttf [2] As you can see from the filenames, there are actually four different font files for each of these two typefaces. The font files numbered {1..3} are for 「破音字」, characters with alternate pronunciation.

When a user types a word like 「給予」 (ㄐ一ˇㄩˇ/jǐ yǔ) for which there is an alternate, less-common pronunciation (ㄐ一ˇ/jǐ instead of ㄍㄟˇ/gěi for 給) they simply change the font for just the affected character to the variant with the correct pronunciation.

In the case of this Cantonese Font, the authors distribute a single .ttf (alongside a “phrasebook” .ttf whose purpose is not clear to me) and indicate in the Roadmap section of the website that ligature support must be enabled. If alternate pronunciations are common in Cantonese, then I suspect that they must use some ligature-based method. I would have to imagine there must be cases where this could be ambiguous, but I don't know how you would resolve those.

(In practice, just swapping the font on a single character works fairly well.)

[1] https://code.google.com/archive/p/wangfonts/

[2] https://dywang.csie.cyut.edu.tw/dywang/download/pdf/sample-o...

I’m probably not as talented as the author, but I can’t relate to this feeling of giving up because some work won’t be used. I have been working for ten years post-PhD and every single product I’ve ever worked on has been canned, sometimes very circuitously via acquisitions. My work is trade secret so I’ve never filed a patent, written a publication, nor given a talk. I have zero outwardly observable accomplishments. My resume and LinkedIn rolodex are the only testaments that I’ve done anything at all.

And yet I don’t see myself retiring once I have enough money in a few years

If you like RimWorld, I recommend checking out Stardeus.

The feel is very similar to Rimworld, but the setting is that you're a spaceship's AI system, and you have a bunch of humans in stasis. The goal is to find a habitable planet for them to colonize.

Was released last month and is still in Early Access, but it's definitely in a playable state.

The asteroid fields are brutal, build your ship like an onion with thick walls ;-)

It makes me wonder if humans are aligned much more to primitive life than we believe. I wonder if our ancestors spent long stretches of time living off reserves and waiting for spring to come. Then in spring they started working hard to replenish store. Maybe it's natural or instinctual to do very little when we aren't motivated by the need to provide for ourselves?

The section about UI codes got me thinking about all the knobs I love and hate. Crispness and clicking feedback are king.

And it reminded me of this amazing YouTube Channel that reviews knobs without words. Here’s my favourite: https://youtu.be/bDRQRdFaFEo

GNU units does this, but is definitely not a spreadsheet or anything like a spreadsheet. It might be possible for a spreadsheet to arrange to call it as a back-end, though.

  You have: 100 N / (50 m/s^2)
  You want: 
          Definition: 2 kg

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