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If you think those read speeds are great, try DuckDB (which has many SIMD improvements) if you want to blow your socks off.

This solutions scales to tens of thousands of images in my testing (probably ~200k or more before searching is too slow). Why use a nuclear bomb when a stick of dynamite is good enough :)

Do these SIMD improvements still apply if you’re compiling DuckDB to WASM and run it in a browser?

Yes, if the browser enables SIMD! https://caniuse.com/wasm-simd

Isn’t one OLTP and the other OLAP? I don’t understand why DuckDB is often suggested as a drop-in replacement.

Yes, DuckDB is OLAP, SQLite is OLTP. I should have called that out.

But if you are doing aggregate or skip-scan analysis and if they're talking about read speeds and in-memory processing, well, SQLite leaves some performance on the table by being single-threaded, as far as I can tell.

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