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The UX of Lego Interface Panels (2020) (interactionmagic.com)
74 points by Tomte on Dec 12, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments

The section about UI codes got me thinking about all the knobs I love and hate. Crispness and clicking feedback are king.

And it reminded me of this amazing YouTube Channel that reviews knobs without words. Here’s my favourite: https://youtu.be/bDRQRdFaFEo

Ok, that was a lot more entertaining than I expected.

I like the X52 controls, still got a set.

Now can we please stop with touchscreens in cars please? Or knobs that you can't figure what angle they have. I want to be able to set the airflow on the windscreen without taking my eyes off the road or stop and fiddle with a touchscreen...

Previous discussion from last year:


(Still worthy of an upvoat. Looks like the site has changed domain)

Thanks! I’m the author and I started out on my own so ported the article to my new website :)

My favorites are the original classic space, but then again it was my formative years.

Did the author paint replicas? The prints look really spotty in the pictures.

Same here. I assumed the upper right square with a cross was a screen though, like an oscilloscope not yet displaying a wave form.

> The prints look really spotty in the pictures.

That's likely just wear on the print

A political compass of lego interface panel styles im screaming inside

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