I like to build things. https://twitter.com/joeyliaw I worked at Figma from 2018-2022, mostly on the C++ scenegraph, data model, performance, and monitoring. I was CTO at Nuna Health, helping to modernize the Medicaid analytical database T-MSIS. I helped rearchitect the healthcare.gov frontend and got folks to agree to allow its rewrite to live in AWS. I think realtime communication tools are neat. I was a cofounder in a startup called Airtime, and before that, Voxli (YC'09). I'm glad that things like Discord exist today, but I wish things were more open. I had fun working on some games. People seemed to enjoy playing Anachronox, but probably more because the writing and direction was great, than for any technological reason. I liked working on Figma because I finally got to work on a multiplayer game, it just happened to be an MMO for designers. |