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created:November 1, 2016
about:I am a passionate Software Engineer with a love for creating well-designed and intuitive user interface. I am focused on mastering JavaScript, jQuery, CSS, Bootstrap, and front end JS frameworks like Angular and React. I enjoy to participate in algorithm contests and being a person with high energy, passion and hungry ambitious attitude, I have a thirst to learn and apply that knowledge on any assigned projects. I encourage you to take a look at my code here https://github.com/ion99/ and some of my projects here https://iongorincioi.com. I enjoy researching and I am willing to explore new emerging technologies possessing the ability to work well in a fast paced environment with agility to change directions quickly. Also, because I am multi-lingual, I am a natural at picking up new languages, both spoken and programming. I have the ability to adapt to any team and office environment because I have lived in multiple countries and I am used to change.