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Maharajji's (Neem Karoli Baba) only possession was a blanket and he was living in a remote village in North India in the 60's. There is little chance that he had access to the drugs you mentioned.

And the LSD that was carried by Ram Dass was made by Sandoz, arguably the purest LSD that you could ever get.

May be reading Ram Dass' account of the event in _Be Here Now_ will provide some much needed context.

An anecdote being published in a book doesn’t make it true.

When you read about Indian holy men, don’t take things literally. Instead, appreciate the message of the story

Correct and one should also point out that the field of yogis, spiritual teachers and holy men is full of fraudsters and charlatans.

That people seem willing to give unwarranted credit to some famous guy's claims does not invalidate your point. Ram Dass has said and written a lot of nonsense.

It is worth more than a downvote to mention here .. even if what you say is completely accurate, it is not the right time to say this, for really a lot of reasons

To address the content of your ill-timed comment, I enjoyed the book "Holy Madness" by Georg Feurstein. Details on request...


Barliman is written in miniKanren[0], a logic/relational programming system built by Daniel Friedman[1], Will Byrd[2] & Oleg Kiselyov[3]. There are implementations of miniKanren in languages other than Scheme, one of the prominent being Clojure[4].

To oversimplify, in the miniKanren world programs are written using relational logic, wherein there are "variables" and then certain "relationships" between the variables. That is the program specification. Now we can run the specification and allow miniKanren to generate one or more variables that satisfy the relations. Thus a miniKanren program can have more than one answers. One interesting side-effect of this kind of an abstraction is that programs can also be run backwards to generate more programs that satisfy certain relations. That's pretty much what's happening with Barliman.

[0] http://minikanren.org/ [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_P._Friedman [2] http://webyrd.net/ [3] http://okmij.org/ftp/ [4] https://github.com/clojure/core.logic

Some of you might recognize Daniel Friedman as the author of The Little Schemer. If you liked that book, you might check out The Reasoned Schemer. Short, accessible, and a bit mindbending, it offers a compelling introduction to logic programming that culminates in the "invention" of a Prolog-like DSL from basic Scheme primitives. Terrific little book. https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/reasoned-schemer

I started my career hacking Common Lisp (Allegro CL), these days I do Clojure, among other things.

That comic by Dr. Barski tears me up every time! Just to test, I went and read the comic again and I cried, again!

I have met Dr. Barski personally at a Clojure conference many years ago and I still remember him as an extremely kind and knowledgeable person.

Thank you for the Land of Lisp, Dr. Barski! Some day, we will be able to assemble our guilds and beat the Insectoids for good. Until then,long live language du jour!

>That comic by Dr. Barski tears me up every time! Just to test, I went and read the comic again and I cried, again!

I confess I also cried when I realized such a book existed.

It was like God telling me: "Don't be ashamed of being a nerd. You're unique and we love you."

Hello stolen_y, we might have the right kind of gig for you. We are based in SF city. Please send me an email as soon as you can. bg@helpshift. com

Alex, there is also a small company called Helpshift that's using Clojure in production since 2009 :-)

Thanks! I didn't have any hope of getting them all!

These kind of problems are more elegantly solved in logic (aka relational) programming languages like Prolog and similar logic programming implementations like miniKanren & Clojure's core.logic. Here's the same problem solved using Clojure's core.logic library https://github.com/swannodette/logic-tutorial/blob/master/sr...

namecheap.com is definitely one of the best per my experience and what I have heard.

The next decade could belong to Julia.

The next decade could belong to Fortran. It just could. Because of time travel and stuff.

Or Brainfuck perhaps?

Hi Jordan, ReactJS looks really awesome. Curious, what kind of persistent data-structures do you use at Facebook? Are they similar to the ones on Clojure[Script]?

We built our own immutable object utilities that prevent mutating anything in the object graph. These immutable objects look and feel just like regular objects/arrays, so you can use functional map/reduce etc. The only thing you can do with them besides reading their properties, is to create a new version of the previous object with changes applied. We then use object identity to detect when things could not have possibly changed between render cycles. We prune off those paths that will not need to be updated, justifying the pruning based on dependent data's object identity remaining the same over time. Same object identity across two points in time necessarily implies that their deeply immutable data structures have not changed, therefore their generated output could not have possibly changed.

Would it be possible to maybe show an example of using Mori or similar with react?

I've seen two libraries suggested on the React mailing list:



The first one uses the same data structures from ClojureScript.

I'm curious about this as well.

Indeed it is an open security hole. See my other comment.

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