Jordan, from the React core developer team here. Awesome post, swannodette! This is exactly how we intended React to be used. As swannodette said, at Facebook, we use persistent data structures, in order to prune the update search space for comment updates. We've seen as much as a 10x improvement in update speed for certain operations.
React is a really great fit for Om, persistent data structures, and functional programming in the following ways:
1. We want to allow developers to elegantly describe their user interface at any point in time, as a pure-as-possible function of data dependencies.
2. We allow hooks for your system to help guide the updating process along. These hooks are not necessary. Often, we'll add optimizations long after we ship. We strongly believe that perf optimizing shouldn't get in the way of writing code elegantly and shouldn't get in the way of the creative development process and actually shipping to your users. At the same time, performance matters - a lot. So we ensure that at any point in the update process, if you know better than the framework, you can help guide the system. The fact that this is optional and doesn't change the functionality or correctness of the system is critical. Persistent data structures are an excellent (likely the very best) way to hook into the update system without making the developer do anything special.
Some people here were wondering about the apparent OO influence in React. Here's how I personally think of React's OO support/influence:
1. It's there to help you bridge with other existing mutative, stateful libraries in your stack - you know you have them. The DOM falls into this category as well.
2. It's there when you want to treat state as an implementation detail of a subcomponent. This is only because we don't have a good way of externalizing state changes, while simultaneously keeping the nature of them private. We just need more people to think about it (I'm sure the ClojureScript community can help us chew on this). Our internal motto is to keep things as stateless as possible.
3. A lot of the OO support in React is there as a concession, more than being considered a virtue. It's really cool to have the FP community involved in the UI space. Those people are already sold on FP and statelessness and get the luxury of programming in tomorrow's paradigms today (how ironic that FP has been around for decades!) To accelerate this momentum, we also want to reach out to people who aren't yet sold and change how they think about building UIs and software in general. The most effective way to do this is to reach out to them where they stand today, on some middle ground. It's really great to see eyes light up when they see that they can use simple functional composition in order to build large, sophisticated apps.
We're really glad to have swannodette and the ClojureScript community checking out React ( We should consider adding some level of support for persistent data structures in the React core. Let us know if there's anything we can do to help.
Hi Jordan, ReactJS looks really awesome. Curious, what kind of persistent data-structures do you use at Facebook? Are they similar to the ones on Clojure[Script]?
We built our own immutable object utilities that prevent mutating anything in the object graph. These immutable objects look and feel just like regular objects/arrays, so you can use functional map/reduce etc. The only thing you can do with them besides reading their properties, is to create a new version of the previous object with changes applied. We then use object identity to detect when things could not have possibly changed between render cycles. We prune off those paths that will not need to be updated, justifying the pruning based on dependent data's object identity remaining the same over time. Same object identity across two points in time necessarily implies that their deeply immutable data structures have not changed, therefore their generated output could not have possibly changed.
> A lot of the OO support in React is there as a concession, more than being considered a virtue. It's really cool to have the FP community involved in the UI space. Those people are already sold on FP and statelessness and get the luxury of programming in tomorrow's paradigms today (how ironic that FP has been around for decades!)
As Sir William said, "There is blood in the old ways yet".
React is a really great fit for Om, persistent data structures, and functional programming in the following ways:
1. We want to allow developers to elegantly describe their user interface at any point in time, as a pure-as-possible function of data dependencies.
2. We allow hooks for your system to help guide the updating process along. These hooks are not necessary. Often, we'll add optimizations long after we ship. We strongly believe that perf optimizing shouldn't get in the way of writing code elegantly and shouldn't get in the way of the creative development process and actually shipping to your users. At the same time, performance matters - a lot. So we ensure that at any point in the update process, if you know better than the framework, you can help guide the system. The fact that this is optional and doesn't change the functionality or correctness of the system is critical. Persistent data structures are an excellent (likely the very best) way to hook into the update system without making the developer do anything special.
Some people here were wondering about the apparent OO influence in React. Here's how I personally think of React's OO support/influence:
1. It's there to help you bridge with other existing mutative, stateful libraries in your stack - you know you have them. The DOM falls into this category as well.
2. It's there when you want to treat state as an implementation detail of a subcomponent. This is only because we don't have a good way of externalizing state changes, while simultaneously keeping the nature of them private. We just need more people to think about it (I'm sure the ClojureScript community can help us chew on this). Our internal motto is to keep things as stateless as possible.
3. A lot of the OO support in React is there as a concession, more than being considered a virtue. It's really cool to have the FP community involved in the UI space. Those people are already sold on FP and statelessness and get the luxury of programming in tomorrow's paradigms today (how ironic that FP has been around for decades!) To accelerate this momentum, we also want to reach out to people who aren't yet sold and change how they think about building UIs and software in general. The most effective way to do this is to reach out to them where they stand today, on some middle ground. It's really great to see eyes light up when they see that they can use simple functional composition in order to build large, sophisticated apps.
We're really glad to have swannodette and the ClojureScript community checking out React ( We should consider adding some level of support for persistent data structures in the React core. Let us know if there's anything we can do to help.