The solution is actually quite simple. Being able to choose your child's sex. If women have happier and easier lives, parents will prefer having daughters which will in turn increase the female population and decrease their value, bringing the value of sexes to an equilibrium.
Wow! I never thought of it that way, but it makes sense. Though if unhappy men are mostly invisible to society, that might lead to parents choosing boys under a wrong impression.
Probably not -- finding a company willing to hire someone to deploy Sandstorm for them sounds at least as hard as finding a company willing to buy Sandstorm as a product and pay Sandstorm Inc. for support, which is what we had trouble with. I'm sure they exist but enterprise sales are non-trivial. :/
That said, my new employer is a big user of Cap'n Proto, a sub-project of Sandstorm.
And on the other end of the spectrum we had Jobs era Apple, with One True God overseeing all demigods who oversee projects. IMO the things that made Apple products so successful was this structure which left no room for confusion and that the company was run by QA people. My impression of Jobs is that he was a QA guy himself.
Jobs was notoriously a capricious micromanager at NeXT; see e.g. "The NeXT Big Thing", Randall Stross.
Thanks to the secrecy that shrouds everything Apple, it's hard to get a handle on whether he became a more evolved manager (or, let's not euphemise: less of a flaming asshole) later on at Apple.
If LV2 plugins are anything like VSTs, you'll need to load the plugin in your audio application and route your MIDI input through that plugin. In most DAWs this is done by creating a track then assigning MIDI input and the VSTi to the track.
Am I the only person who finds GNU parallel way too complicated? I tried to perform a very easy parallel task with it and spent hours reading the documentation and various tutorials. If a person with Unix command-line skills can't easily pick it up, what's the point of having it?
Google never cooperated with PRISM. As soon as news came out that the NSA was tapping Google's intra-datacenter dedicated lines, Google announced they would accelerate encrypting all that traffic.
From what I've seen it's been getting much better. Linux has very powerful tools for media creation/editing now: Blender, Krita, Darktable, Natron are some quality apps that I'm aware of.