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I couldn't think of anything better <thumbsup>

all those who were liberated in Operation Freedom obviously. All those who now live life of a zen like peace due to Operation Enduring Peace

Reminds me of the clip of the Us Marine pointing a gun in the face of unarmed protesters screaming "GET BACK WE ARE HERE FOR YOUR MOTHERFUCKING FREEDOM"...... yeah right mate, you just keep telling yourself that.

support and google in the same sentence do not go well together

I'm finding I get excellent service on the products I pay for.

And i get wonderful support even on those I don't...

I've never had a bad support experience with google, from youtube, to gmail, to google apps for work, to some issues with my adsesnse account.

Do those saying they have no support ever try? There are "contact us" links everywhere for most services, and they are really damn responsive when i need to.

lol, only in the US would this be a big deal.

Pattern prediction is one thing. But what happens when your model is both unrealistic in ways that some people think matters and doesn't predict the shape of things in the future well at all ? (Anyone can fit the past)...


Ice-T, Jay-z copied it about 10 years (probably more) later

Everyone always forgets about Brother Marquis.

Didn't seem to effect George W too much



if you include an image the limit is 120.

As a URL is some redirect service, I believe that drops the limit by 12 per url.

The 140 limit is not being removed

I broke into your house whilst you were on holiday. Didn't you realise that I could smash your window and climb in?

Here is a box of all your valuables. Reward please

To continue your analogy, 1000 other potential robbers are trying to get in every day, you are virtually always on holiday or otherwise outside the house, and the window was voice-activated. The intruder said a well-known special phrase which caused it to open. The expectation is that you've checked the windows, door, lock, and any other potential openings yourself to make sure they can't be entered like that. So yes, I'd say the person who doesn't take the valuables and run is doing you a huge favor.

I can't think of an alternate analogy but I don't think breaking in to a person's house by smashing their window is equivalent to penetration testing.

But I get your point.

Agree, I think it is more that you left the door unlocked when you meant for it to be locked and the mailman opened the door to yell "Hello??" but no one was home, so he let you know the door is unlocked. :)

> Didn't you realise that I could smash your window and climb in?

I did realize, which is why I don't keep your private information in there. They are in a safe hided somewhere.

That website clearly didn't realize that they had a window right there. Thanks to this guy, they now replaced it by a wall.

You accept the risk of that window, the people that goes into your house or do stuff in your house accept that risk while being near that window because they know the risk. On a website, you deal with other people stuff, not only there's an expectation of security, you won't have the luxury of knowing where's there's a window like that.

And he setup a camera to make sure your wife was showering correctly.

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