I signed up for the iOS beta and haven't used any of the writing tools, but the AI summary of texts or emails has been really nice for glancing at the phone and getting a glance, especially for wall of text texters.
I run several sites but 2 of them tend to come up more in interviews and are all linked from my GitHub profile:
https://sfc.fm - A website to listen to Super Nintendo music in the browser. Folks usually find this more cool, talk about WASM and covers several common things we can skip over talking about items like RESTful APIs and random JavaScript questions.
https://wiki.superfamicom.org - A website for all things programming the Super Nintendo. This tends to be more interesting to management folk (which is interesting on its own) but tends to be a point in an interview where the "can this person actually program" questions end and culture questions start getting more specific. Recruiters also tend to latch onto this one as well.
No one ever mentions my blog, but I don't post all that much and the content is technical, but usually very niche.
Love this! I've been working on and running https://sfc.fm for about 7 years now so very similar interests!
One thing I did notice was the in the SPC emulation, particularly in Super Mario World `12a Athletic.spc` there is a lot of echo / reverb that isn't present in the actual file or game, is there secondary effect processing happening somewhere, I couldn't seem to turn it off, you can play it here https://sfc.fm/sfc/super-mario-world track 16
Yes, as I mentioned in other comment, Pixeltune applies a reverb effect on some of the cores. There's currently no way to turn it off but there will in the near future. :)
A similar thing happened with the Wolfenstein 3D port as well, where John Carmack gave Rebecca Heineman kudos for learning Japanese to read the patents to get the technical documentation, always cool history around these things, some more in my post about it here:
We met on Tinder, both with "joke" profiles and neither of us seriously "playing the game". We ended up meeting and hitting it off. That was a decade ago and through COVID and everything else there is no one else I would rather work from home with and spend my whole day with.
+2 for Tinder. Not me, I've met my wife through a mutual friend who knew both of us are single but 2 of my very good friends met their future wives there. Another terminally online friend met a girl on Discord in a game server. Started chatting, met in real life and the rest is history. Rest of my friends met offline: same hobby/friends/asking out in a bar/colleague/neighbor/etc.
A custom made wiki for documents and resources related to developing software (games) for the Super Nintendo / Super Famicom. Started in 2010 and still going strong, switched software a few years ago from Ruby to Node.
An online emulator for the SPC700, the sound chip from the Super Nintendo / Super Famicom with a large selection of the game library's OST to listen to. Designed to scratch a personal itch and play with Emscripten years ago.
Right now Handmade Seattle is happening and has job booths specifically target low level programming, check out some of those companies https://handmade-seattle.com/
On macOS this can be really useful, change the current terminal to the top most folder in Finder, do not recall where it came from:
# Change to the Front Folder open in Finder
function ff {
osascript -e 'tell application "Finder"'\
-e 'if (0 < (count Finder windows)) then'\
-e 'set finderpath to get target of the front window as alias'\
-e 'else'\
-e 'set finderpath to get desktop as alias'\
-e 'end if'\
-e 'get POSIX path of finderpath'\
-e 'end tell';};\
function cdff { cd "`ff $@`" || exit; };