Imagine an oral c++ algorithms and data structures exam
This isn't just essays, AI will happily output any known algorithm you ask for in a few seconds. CS coursework can be almost entirely automated in many cases
I see a lot of these posts about how Tesla UI (and touchscreens in cars in general) are unsafe and cause accidents. Intuitively it makes sense, but I haven't actually seen any evidence that Teslas or other touchscreen-heavy cars are actually involved in more accidents per mile. Would be curious if there's any studios on this to back up these claims, or is everyone just making intuitively true claims without evidence?
Searching for it is the only way you can find the word, because tweets containing the word are "reach-limited" (and appropriately labelled to the author, so they are discouraged from using that "slur" ever again).
worth pointing out that banned and visibility limited in certain scenarios are not the same thing, which might be causing some confusion in this thread.
I'm anywhere between indifferent and disgusted by Musks political views, depending on the issue.
Does that make me bearish on Tesla? Absolutely not. On the contrary I'm more bullish now than ever. I see so many people lose all objectivity and reason when they look at any Musk enterprise because they don't like the man
> when Postgres picks a stupid plan and can't be convinced to do something reasonable.
In my experience it can always be convinced to make a reasonable plan, but it's not always trivial. Sometimes it's just adding an index, sometimes it's entirely rewriting a query
There's also "the query plan you want won't do what you expect, so I'm giving you the next best thing until you tell me the right way to store the data":
This isn't just essays, AI will happily output any known algorithm you ask for in a few seconds. CS coursework can be almost entirely automated in many cases