Developer Andre0512 has received a takedown request from Haier to take down an open source Home Assistant integration with many of their smart appliances, sold under the names such as Haier, Candy and Hoover.
The HA community as a response has already created many forks at the moment of writing (
Announcement: I have to take the project down in the next few days
Dear User,
We are writing to inform you that we have discovered two Home Assistant integration plug-ins developed by you ( and ) that are in violation of our terms of service. Specifically, the plug-ins are using our services in an unauthorized manner which is causing significant economic harm to our Company. We take the protection of our intellectual property very seriously and demand that you immediately cease and desist all illegal activities related to the development and distribution of these plug-ins. We also request that you remove the plug-ins from all stores and code hosting platforms where they are currently available. Please be advised that we will take all necessary legal action to protect our interests if you fail to comply with this notice. We reserve the right to pursue all available remedies, including but not limited to monetary damages, injunctive relief, and attorney's fees. We strongly urge you to take immediate action to rectify this situation and avoid any further legal action. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Haier Europe Security and Governance Department
I don't really recognise the first concern you raise, but that might also be due to the fact that viewing all European countries as the same in this regard might be overgeneralising.
Yeah there's certainly some differences between countries, but in most of Europe it seems to me healthcare is directly or indirectly largely run by the government. Whereas in US (and also Switzerland, btw, has which US-like model but without most of downsides) it's privately run. This causes difference in incentives to doctors. In the latter systems, doctors are incentivized to spend more time on you, spare no expense, get you the best treatment possible, but it is not cheap. In the former, they are incentivized to do the bare minimum