That's right idea PM needs it, but you need to start from something. It isn't easy to have all of those
characteristic from the beginning. It's all about learning and trying.
This approach is great - giving small things for free, but isn't working for every clients. It's horrible for you when your customer is't paying a lot (small projects, low prices etc.). They are overdemanding, don't like your work, put a lot of changes and thinking that you should't do it for free.
Paper is not going anywhere - people like it. Probably in the future it will be exclusive product. Niche is good. I like this kind of products. This idea reminds me about (unfortunately it's only in polish).
I still use a Moleskine from time to time, but mostly the iPad, to take notes - especially when doing customer interviews. Yeah, I agree. Starting niche is a good thing. The question is if you want to stay niche or if there's growth potential to other niches and out of niche-dom. [edited for typo]
I like to use my iPad more these days, too, especially cause I'm an evernote fan. Still notes don't look as good as on paper and touch-pens are still not on par for easy writing on screens. A good integration with Evernote good get it out of niche-dom I think. For the big masses paper is still the goto tool at least for another 2 years ;)
I actually did look into the Evernote Smartbook when I had a look at the market & competition for this product. Looks really nice, but I think there's room for improvement & I have an idea or two. But first gotta get proof that there is a market for this
Haven't tried it yet, it seems to be just normal notebook, but with a special space on each page to specify notebook name and tags.
Evernote accelerator would be quite possible, maybe just build a rough app MVP for scanning close to what the moleskine one does?
I prefer writing but every app out there is either too buggy and slow or too bad with wrist detection. Penultimate is closest to perfect but lacks a wrist pad that does not respond to touches. Though its auto sync is unmatchable and so is text search.
It's about content not the title we are people not robots. We are making errors. For me that's great story about startup which is working on great product!