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I just started off in a very young startup and we will be a building a team now. So this was my concern too. I started reading Peopleware by Tom DeMarco and Tim Lister, and I'm 1/3rd in it. Highly recommended.

I also found this series of articles about a real person's real experience while trying to improve things in his company to be pretty interesting. http://www.jamesshore.com/Change-Diary/

This book should be added to your list. The examples in the book are from the 80's/90's so don't dismiss them - the software industry has the same problems it has always had, just swap out the programming language acronyms for whatever is popular at the time.

You will find many concepts about managing engineers in the book that might go against the open office, micro management styles of today.

Also may want to look at the history of articles from Joel Spolsky - Joel On Software.

I have been thinking about this space for quite some time now and maybe if I fast forwarded that process and reached a final conclusion, Glose would pretty much be it.

Back when hard copies were pretty much the only copies available for a book, it was pretty easy for me to

  a) read a book
  b) make notes in the side lines
  c) markup text that I liked and
  d) easily skim through the book later thanks to the notes. 
I lost b,c & d when I moved to reading on my Nexus only about 2 years ago. I find that I have lower retention rate, find it difficult to find out what all I've read in quick glance and basically try and connect my readings. Previously, I'd just take a look at the stack of books on my table.

I tried finding some reader apps that would allow me to bring back my older pattern of reading. Sadly, no app did it properly. I tried Mantano which allowed me to make notes but it would forget them if I moved the file in storage. Also, the notes were available only inside the Mantano android app.

Right now, an acceptable world for me would be wherein I can take notes (including highlighting quotes) and once I am done with the book I have a page /leostatic/zero-to-one where all of my notes with the associated page number is presented. Allow me to click on a note and jump to the page, put in social features and I'm satisfied. For now at least.

One interesting feature while keeping in mind the above para would be something along the lines of: I visit julien_c/zero-to-one and I get an option to read the book with your notes visible. So now it is almost like reading your hard copy with notes scribbled in.

EDIT: One major issue that I find in glose from my perspective is the overdose of social. Don't get me wrong, I _want_ social but I don't want it _all_ the time. I know I can click on the icon in top right in the web app and select "Only me" but that isn't what I am talking about. Each time I want to highlight something, it throws the annotate field. I don't have data to back this up but intuition tells me number of highlights only will be much greater than highlight + annotate. Let me just highlight and continue reading.

Thanks for the feedback. I'm hoping you'll like Glose!

We're definitely intending to have pages where you can filter your highlights and annotations on one specific book.

I use a combination of Google's Newsstand and Feedly. My must-read subscriptions go to Feedly. Basically blogs of people who I want to follow, some sources related to my local area etc. Others like The Verge, Techcrunch etc. go to Newsstand.

>I read A LOT. Like 3-4 technical books a month

Could you please elaborate on this? As in, what kind of books do you look for? I have developed this feeling that focussed blog posts by experienced programmers teaches more than books. Also, there are way too many self published authors out there. I know it's a good thing in a way but with so many books, it gets tough to figure out which ones are worth your time. In other words, I'm looking for an example like "I wanted to learn x, so looked up and read y". Thanks.

Sure, I tend to target books I see mentioned on twitter. Then I also tend to stick to books by O'Reilly, Pragmatic Programmers, and Manning. I've found there quality of books to be much higher in general to others. Then I tend to try and find books that are written by a blog author or the library/open source project that I like. For instance Chas Emerick is pretty well know in the Clojure circles, has a good blog and a good twitter account, he has also written a book on Clojure for O'reilly so I picked it up. Then I've seen the PragPub book about Web Development in Clojure and I've seen at least 3 other people on twitter mention it positively so that was book number 2 for that month. For number three I took a chance and picked up a self published book, Functional Programming for the Object Oriented Programmer because it covered Clojure and I'm mostly an OO Programmer so it completed my deep dive into Clojure for that month. I don't always dive so deep on a subject but last month was my learn Clojure month :).

EDM on http://8tracks.com most of the time. If not EDM, then alternative but it's always on 8tracks. I love that site.

Trying this site out now; so far really dope tracks. Great recommendation.

If someone hacked GitHub they'd just get the _public_ keys, same as the ones listed in the link. You can't login on a server with the public key.

What he has done is that by adding github ids, he gets the public keys of all the users and adds them to his servers. Now all the users' public keys are already in the system. Now they can login with their private keys and this private key remains _only_ on their own system. Not on GitHub or server.

If someone hacked github, they could substitute their own evil key for one of the developers' keys and the automation would add that key to appropriate places, giving access to whomever has the evil private key.

On the other hand, OP probably trusts the contents of source repositories stored on github (few people use commit and tag signing); if so he already trusts github with everything.

It really depends upon if the git repo is gpg signed. We really don't know enough about the automation to make any assumptions.

Were I to do it I would require gpg signed commits and setup the trust chain a bit differently. But you're right its likely just a list of git repos that aren't signed.

Signing of the repo contents (commits/tags) doesn't help anyhow with user ssh keys. If the automation gets the keys from github it effectively trusts github completely, irrespective of the situation with repos.

Not necessarily. It could do key pinning for example, which at least protects already-established users.

Additionally, if you use gpg to build your ssh keys and have a trust/sign chain you could then pull this stuff with impunity as long as you keep the trust chain issues sorted.

When it comes to learning web development, my advice to beginners is to 1. Have a project in mind 2. Pick a language and _not_ a framework

I don't need to stress on the 1st point for you. Regarding choosing language and not framework, my reason is that too many beginners get caught up in which framework to use debates which basically sidetracks them from the main thing: learning. Also, frameworks do a lot of things for you. For eg, a higher level framework will most probably provide you with login management which would include cookies, sessions etc. While I know it is good to not reinvent the wheel, if you let plugins and framework do most of the heavy lifting, the learning process gets hampered.

Without a framework guiding you, you are bound to make mistakes in terms of architecture of your app. But it is fine in the learning process. Knowing what is going on is better than using seemingly magical solutions. Maybe later yes, but for now stick to the basics!

I personally started off in PHP. For PHP I'd suggest Toro microframework. It gives you routing and that's it. Whatever language you choose, pick the smallest framework for the maximum learning. For python, afaik flask is pretty light.

Working on it now. Hopefully I'll be done with it soon. Coding with my left hand only. Right hand has stitches!

I could add you on GH so that you can give me feedback on it. Let me know if you are interested.

That's me. While it is ready for use I wanted to clean up the code for deployment.

@myersgp if you want I can add you as a collaborator on GitHub.

Workflowy Its nested and collapsible text methodology is perfect for how I like to keep the idea. Each idea roughly has the following top level headings:

- Description - Why? - Already existing solutions - Features - Links

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