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I just started off in a very young startup and we will be a building a team now. So this was my concern too. I started reading Peopleware by Tom DeMarco and Tim Lister, and I'm 1/3rd in it. Highly recommended.

I also found this series of articles about a real person's real experience while trying to improve things in his company to be pretty interesting. http://www.jamesshore.com/Change-Diary/

This book should be added to your list. The examples in the book are from the 80's/90's so don't dismiss them - the software industry has the same problems it has always had, just swap out the programming language acronyms for whatever is popular at the time.

You will find many concepts about managing engineers in the book that might go against the open office, micro management styles of today.

Also may want to look at the history of articles from Joel Spolsky - Joel On Software.

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