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The article mentions Singaporeans, so I was very curious to find out how they were involved. But the word (erroneously?) links to the Hong Kong protests movement.

It wouldn't be a post about Singapore without someone bringing up the 27 year old article

Author's point is that Promise.allSettled never rejects

>Anecdotally, devs I know are very sensitive to ads/privacy, much more so than to paying money.

Thank you for qualifying this as devs you know. In reality, this is a very privileged position to take and I'd bet would be a minority if polled globally (between paying in cash or in ads)

No. Singapore is a tiny city state with a service based economy

Dyson is setting up an EV plant in Singapore.

Singapore is the closest success story I can think of.

Requirements: - be a citizen - get married

The government will then build a flat for you and hand you the keys 5 years later for about a fourth of the private market price.

Of course you need an economy that can pay for all this, so it won't be universally applicable

What do you do while unmarried or in the first 5 years?

You continue living with your family.

You conduct your relationships and the first few years of your marriage within earshot of your parents?

This seems cultural, and before the invention of privacy this was the norm.

EDIT: I thought that was a meme and it's not—i'm referring to the growth of the middle class and multi-room houses.

That's how the rest of the world does it, so, yes? Also note that pre-marital relationships are often not very common.

The alternative is a market based housing market such as another city state has: Hong Kong.

I think everyone in Hong Kong would happily live with their parents for 5 years if it means they can buy their own flat afterwards.

The simple rule is to pretend all commits start with "once committed, this change will ..." Or more simply, "this will ..."

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