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That's awesome you set this out for yourself. Almost every bright person and genius I know are all self taught, kudos for jumping in the pool and the best of luck. Keep us updated.

Thanks for the encouragement! “We are told that talent creates its own opportunities. But it sometimes seems that intense desire creates not only its own opportunities but its own talents.” ― Eric Hoffer

Hi Aaron I'm interested in this space too, especially around the latter. The issue with money transfers U.S & regulatory practices hindering any innovative development on the international front. What have your experiences been with facecash in that area?

Glad to see you guys going strong. I attended the meetup back in 2010 at that small coffee shop. I'm no longer living in the area however; I wish you guys lots of good engaging conversations.

Seems like they went after everyone. 2012 has not been so good for these types of sites.

and then there are some who are dying to have some of these sites shut down.


I agree. I wonder if they'll start coming after sites like Youtube and Tumblr as well.

How about Hacker News? I see someone just posted a list of file sharing sites on it, that's got to be illegal somehow? http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3503788

I sort of expected this reply, needless to say I'm not surprised. I compiled the list just so people will know, if they go after this thread, then they're sickening.

Some info on the phone I found on some site: <================================================>

In order to use Republic's $19 per month plan, you must purchase its specially modified LG Optimus smartphone. A clone of the Optimus S available from Sprint, Republic's Optimus includes software that manages the switch from Wi-Fi to cellular networks automatically. The software permanently runs in the background, so it is likely to have an impact on battery life when compared with a normal Optimus smartphone. The Republic Optimus costs $199 without any contract commitment.

You can get the phone for $99 if you use the promo code listed here (before 11/27): http://techcrunch.com/2011/11/07/republic-wireless-officiall...

It's several things but to your question on average people pay upwards of 50 dollars for phone service this is significantly cheaper.

Thanks PG, you must wear many hats.

What ever it is, it's always a white one. ("Yeaaaaah")

I was looking at [a list of hats](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hat) recently, by the way.

That's exactly something along the lines of what I'm looking for. Thank you for the tip!

This is a space that does require some disruption.

Good job.

+1 I like the idea, this seems like a pretty interesting way to build a relationship with tons of like minded people.

Thanks. You should definitely stop by if you are in the area.

I live in the Midwest but if and when i do come by the bay(Hopefully soon). I will contact you before hand, bring some bagels and stop by for a chat :).

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