Interested in meeting fellow travelers who are doing the same, have done the same, or are just interested. My email is thegrokaholic [AT SYMBOL] gmail [DOT] com.
28 years old, San Francisco. Programming experience consists of a Python tutorial, making a simple text game for friends. Want to build stuff on computers all day for work, initially freelancing or working a job for experience, and later building products and a company.
Current temp job ends in May. Taking this chance to leap into professional web development. Saved enough to cover living expenses thru Sept. By May, will have enough to cover living expenses thru Dec. By Dec, goal is to get first client and make $2k from web dev. After taxes, that $2k will cover Jan expenses, buying another month to find the next client, then the next. If I fail, I'll go back to temping and save until I can try this again.
Build my personal site while learning HTML/CSS/Javascript/jQuery as I go. Lots of overtime at the current job, so I'm just doing as much dev as I can when I can on the side. Using internet tutorials while attending classes at the Noisebridge hackerspace for Frontend Web Dev (HTML/CSS/JS), Python, and Web Apps (learning Git, Python frameworks e.g. Django).
Focusing most of my time on HTML/CSS/JS, but really enjoy learning more Python/Django/Git/Unix/SQL material. Not only is Python/Django what I want to ultimately do at this point, studying this and associated topics (Git version control/command line/SQL) gives me this sense of wider perspective on frontend topics.
That said, reached out to someone who has done what I'm trying to do, and they advised me to only focus on either HTML/CSS/JS or Python/Django for now. What do you think? Is it realistic to attempt them all while achieving my $2k goal by Dec, or am I definitely better of sticking to just HTML/CS/JS this year?
In June, once my current job ends, going into 24/7 build mode, building sites for my portfolio while continuing to grok what I need as I go. These will be sites for friends or charities.
Then around Sept, switch out of bootcamp mode and start devoting half my time to getting my portfolio out there, and trying to get that first customer, even if it's just subcontracting menial tasks from another dev. Other half of my time will stay devoted to building and grokking new things.
What do you think? Perspective, advice welcome. Thanks for reading.
PS If you're trying to do the same thing, and are interested in an example of someone who has succeeded in becoming a dev from scratch within a similar timeframe, check out the site of proudn00b ( If you know sites of other people who have done the same, drop me a link. The inspiration helps. Thanks!