Thank you for the patience. We have been occupied with adding File Uploads and OAuth2 support in Feb and prepping for the Golden Edition release. This issue is priority. Hoping to get the PR merged soon.
Hey everyone, this is Anoop - creator of Bruno.
Happy to see Bruno at the top of HN!
I will try to address some common questions in this comment.
> Well based on historical experience with Postman and Insomnia most probably Bruno will go the same way once they get enough users hooked in.
Especially once a VC gets into the fold.
We will never take VC funding. We received around 10 inbound reach outs from VCs till date and have denied funding from all of them. We will remain independent and I have written about it in detail here
> I didn't stick with Bruno. I think it was due to not having an equivalent to Postman's pre-request scripts.
Bruno has come a long way, we support pre-request scripts and a lot more
> But can it handle oauth2? I had to write a httpie script recently just to test an oauth2 api.
We have released oauth2 support, some rough edges are being polished
> Good thing it's open source. Money being involved, I don't have long term hopes for it's openness.
I understand this is a hard problem. We are fully bootstrapped and independent. We earn money via selling the Golden Edition. We will build more developer products in the long term, and the goal is to make even the golden edition features also open source in the future. I am committed to this cause.
> History goes in circles. New API client appears, adds features, userbase grows. Forced login is added, users are angry and look for alternative. New API client appears.
I have felt this pain. That's one of the reasons why I denied VC funding and chose to remain independent. Having seen 10 years of this cycle, its enough. We don't want to repeat the same saga.
Some good links where I have discussed about opensource, freedom and monetization
Thank you for the information and the commitment to open source. I know the Gold edition isn't open source under an OSI license, but is it source available for people who purchase it?
I'm strongly considering buying it because it's not a subscription, and is open source. As a general rule, I don't buy proprietary software anymore after having been burned in the past. I have no issues with open source software that has proprietary features as a way to make the project sustainable, if they are source available for paying customers, and personal modifications are allowed. Obviously redistributing any of that code, even my own modifications, would not be acceptable and would violate the license.
You mentioned that the goal is to make the Gold edition features open source eventually, so would you consider going source available?
Your link makes sense, and I believe you.
Have struggled with similar issues. But who knows what the future will bring? Google once said "don't be evil"; Oracle bought Sun. Is there any way you can guarantee your future actions? Contracts, articles of association/company constitution? Maybe setup a trust or charity? I don't think there is.
Hi Annop. Thanks for sharing this looks like a good alternative to Postman. I see the company is based out of India (awesome) but wanted to know if the company has gone through the steps needed to sell to teams in the healthcare industry in the US/UK i.e.) HIPPA, SOX2, PCI, GDPR, etc.…
If they never take possession of the user's data into their environment, then most, if not all of those don't even come into play?
Like, that's kinda the whole point of offline-first, local-only tools, you can 100% use them in a an environment you control and take responsibility for. Once you take control of customer's data, there's a whole litany of due diligence that must considered, and often at considerable cost.
While I agree with you and understand that the data is local only, we can only use tools approved by the company. I would like to suggest that my team take Bruno for a 3 – 6 month test drive (since Postman was unable to check the boxes) but cannot without approval….
I am looking for feedback on the Bru Lang specification.
Its an effort to define and standardize the semantics that we already use today to save api requests in Bruno
The need for multimaps, and annotations on key value pairs is the main reason we could not using JSON/YAML/TOML
Our goal with standardization is not adoption across the industry, but primarily to standardize the semantics for our current DSL that is used in Bruno.
In case you don't know Bruno, Its an API GUI Client that allows you to save your collections on your filesystem and collaborate on it via git