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Sure let’s start with age verification and get the infra and social expectation in place for blacklists on *any* parameter they choose (for the sake of “safety”, of course).

That project looks great! Now the issue is finding a Chamberlain or Liftmaster opener without myQ built-in. Or maybe I just don’t have to activate it.

Odds are that whatever nice Chamberlain opener you want will have myQ built in because that's their business strategy. You can try getting a different brand if you're voting with your wallet -- but if all you care about is security: the Cloud connectivity is optional and you can just not connect it to WiFi.

The ratgdo is more trustworthy, and it just connects (really easily, too, especially with the new v2.5 board) to the opener via the same contacts that the dry contact button does.

I’m sorry, that’s terrible. Best wishes to her and your whole family.

It’s total shit.

I’m rooting for something like this in the long term: https://github.com/openemr/openemr

I love the idea of OpenEMR.

I desperately want it to gain some real traction.

Working in the enterprise world, including the enterprise healthcare world... it's not "right", but as long as it exists as a PHP webapp...

I don't see that happening. No matter how good a PHP webapp it is.

I really want it to succeed. But there is so much further to go. For example, on the subject of backing up your EMR data, there is this:

> Disaster can strike at anytime. Backing up will mean the difference between a mild inconvenience and a major imbroglio.

> Choose a method according to the operating system from this webpage.

> Windows users are advised not to rely on the built-in utility once their file size becomes too large. The reasons are discussed in this Forum thread.

That's it?? That's the extent of your backup discussion for a business critical application storing PHI? Oof.

Any CIO remotely considering OpenEMR, even one hugely cost-constrained, is going to run for the hills.

I’m probably not as proficient with ZFS as you are, but for me, the basic Ubuntu LTS option you mentioned has been great. I was sick of all of the GUI and bloated features of unraid. Then I tried TrueNas and it was okay, but in the end I realized that all of the GUI abstraction was just getting in the way. I really just wanted ZFS features and some docker apps.

I think if I needed a lot of VMs I might go with Proxmox, but yeah, the bare bones Ubuntu has been really elegant and stable since I built it a few months ago.

One of the reasons I stopped listening.

let them have a simple communication device. they don't need tiktok and instagram in school.

social media has proven indispensable during times of crisis in the past. No reason to handicap the kids when their school is being shot up.

Yes, how can we forget the countless lives that were saved during school shootings thanks to ready access to Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok?

This is silly. TikTok is not indispensable during times of crisis. Neither is instagram.

To make this claim you’d need some way to distinguish the value of TikTok vs just phone and messaging.

But it’s definite that kids using TikTok in a class of 25-30 lowers performance.

Schools have multiple problems (why 30 kids in a class) but phones make it even harder.

If you want to deprive your child of a potentially life saving device be my guest but you don't get to impose such limitation on my family .


> Statistically, a cell phone will do more harm to a child than a gun (comparing injury and death as a rate of gun ownership vs depression rates for kids with smartphones).

To even suggest a child owning a gun is safer than a smart phone is in incredibly poor taste and a smack in the face of any parent who has lost a child to this crisis.

Scroll up to see my reply above - law enforcement and security experts tend to say that children using their phones causing more harm than good during a crisis.

How about "get fully capable smart phones out of schools now"? This safety argument could still be fulfilled with a cheap, simple phone that allows the student to text / call 9-1-1 and a handful of trusted contacts.

No, I want my children to have access to high precision GPS, bluetooth, hd video and a high speed data connection during a crisis. I'm not worried whether or not the cops will be called. I simply refuse to wait outside for a hour with them while a crazy person shoots up classrooms one by one.


That's our plan. A simple device that allows for emergency use. Call mom, dad, trusted friend, 911. But our kid is young and limits are hard. As they age up, this will evolve.

Or just put voip phones in every classroom for emergencies and ban mobile phones for students. 99.99999% of teachers have a cell phone anyway in the event of a proper emergency.

“Whole lot of girls with older parents it seems.”

That’s an interesting observation. Are you aware of any data on that?

It’s anecdotal but based on 20-30 years observations. Recall reading something about the Y chromosome being more fragile so age and lab work would agree with this. Just knew lots of 40-ish coworkers and buddies with lots of girls and few boys.

Can't speak to age, but there is a well known phenomenon that fighter pilots only have girls.

What data there is backs that up, too.


Wouldn't surprise me if similar factors, e.g. stress on the body via aging, also impact the Y chrom and lead to more girls.

This is very helpful. I haven't heard of Affinity before but I am really excited to try it, especially given the one-time cost model. Seems like Affinity + Capture One could be a great non-subscription pairing for photo work.

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