Supervised release often lets you move AFTER you find a job from what I understand via a friend who had an unfortunate intersection with the law as well.
I'd imagine federal probation is related to that program and has similar standards?
A petition to move to a larger job market (SF, Atl, or Austin) might start a discussion which opens other options to you.
Nothing informs the current state of the field more than how we got here! Learn the foundation of your field from people who lived it. The podcast [Debug]( is Guy English (Creator of Napkin and other apps) along with Rene Ritchie interviewing people about the history of Cocoa and CocoaTouch
3> Go through early versions. Few systems START complex. Look at OLD books for EARLY versions of systems, and why old php made such silly choices is obvious (hint, they weren't that silly for what it was doing). Read books and commentary through the timeline. Understand the history of what's happening to the language, then you'll understand why you are where you are.
4> Go DOWN the stack. Understand the bottom of Objective C by reading [the open source implementation of Core Foundation and more]( Also available elsewhere (and I think somewhere on Apple's Site still).
5> Do what you shouldn't! Don't ship it, but really use those implementation details to do something awesome and amazing. You'll learn tons about what's happening.
Right now you only have the choice of a transaction with chargeback guarentees and other credit card niceities.
With something like bitcoin as an option, you have the option to drop that fraud overage charge, when you aren't worried about the other party (like in a repeated business scenario, such as amazon, or for a tiny purchase, or other things of that nature).
Harassment laws should be enforced on twitter as much as anywhere else.
"Generally, criminal harassment entails intentionally targeting someone else with behavior that is meant to alarm, annoy, torment or terrorize them. Not all petty annoyances constitute harassment. Instead, most state laws require that the behavior cause a credible threat to the person's safety or their family's safety. - See more at:
"I'm going to rape/kill/etc you" should probably end up with you in front of a prosecutor in many states.
Well, swift does a lot of type inference it's true but it doesn't appear to be more to be more strongly typed than ObjC (I could be wrong because I have only skimmed the ebook). A lot of ObjC code simply returns an id when it could return a tighter type. They seem semantically equivalent to me.
Typically a language's efficiency comes from its ability to restrict ambiguity. E.g. a scoped sequence of expressions without gotos allows the compiler to eliminate variables, reorder statements, unroll loops etc because it can see 100% of the uses of a variable by examining that scope. On the other extreme a language like BASIC is harder to optimize in such a fashion because the program counter could be set into the middle of the loop, and because all variables are global, they have to survive the scope.
I am genuinely interested if their are features in swift that aren't also in ObjC.
A language can be equivalent to another and still be easier to program in because the cognitive load on the programmer is lower so good code can be written more quickly. Swift seems to be an interesting attempt at doing that. But that's orthogonal to the question of compiled efficiency.
It is definitely more strongly typed than objective c. Swift's type inferencing is up there with Haskell, and Objective C/XCode's 'find all uses' is still string based.
Totally agree with your 'reduce ambiguity' observation, and I think long term Swift will do very well there. It will also will allow tooling to radically improve from what it is, and multicore to have a reasonable chance to be helpful.
Imo it seems a lot of the language decisions they have made are to make it more compiler/memory friendly (eg the way assign works with arrays). That bodes well for speed/memory/battery I think.