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Meaning, I'm better than good? Or worse (because I'm no longer challenging myself)

You're good now because that feeling is how discovery feels (Dunning-Kruger effect and all that). It challenges and humbles you, and sometimes makes you wonder how you'll ever catch up. As long as you feel this way, you're probably doing something right. As soon as you think you know everything, that's when you're backsliding. Just try not to compare yourself to anyone else. Even Fabrice Bellard and John Carmack don't have the exact same demands placed on them as you, and therefore won't be developing the same skillset. But by all means, respect and listen to them.

When you have that feeling, it means you know enough to recognize what you do not know.

You've escaped the Dunning Kruger effect for now: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect

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