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I don’t think housing would be the “official” reason as Elon is keenly aware of how hard it is to buy a house in central Texas right now. Source: https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-austin-texas-housi...

As the official spokesperson for the company, if Musk says it's "housing", then housing is the official reason.

It may not be the real reason (which probably has more to do with his feelings about California in general and maybe proximity to SpaceX's Texas facilities), but it's the official reason.

That's temporary and the company has to look at things long term. Austin doesn't have the geographical barriers that the Bay Area has. If the building supplies and labor are available, Austin can sprawl out in pretty much any direction, though obviously transportation eventually becomes an issue.

Compared to the Peninsula, Austin is basically free. Median home price in Austin is $575,000. Median home price in Palo Alto, where the current Tesla HQ is, is $3,488,610.

Regardless of where current Tesla HQ is, I would not compare Palo Alto to Austin and consider that apples-to-apples.

To be fair, no one really looks at Palo Alto when buying a first home…

Location: Austin, TX

Remote: Hybrid

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Java, Python, AWS, Angular, MySQL, PHP, Git

Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jpRw0g_mgWeFEu-sfnJiyv3D-yl...

Email: garrettfitzgerald@protonmail.com

The nature of this downtime is quite severe. How are Googlers resolving this if their internal communications are down?

There are other ways to deliver packets... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IP_over_Avian_Carriers

There is IRC as backup

I recall that their SREs use IRC?

Yep. At least some of the teams do.

not hangouts? allo? duo?

I don't think Allo and Duo are products designed for use in teams/organizations, or marketing themselves as such.

Good ole phone calls is my guess

Why blame the people when the leadership has been so shoddy? Here is the same Dr. Fauci on masks as the pandemic was first spreading throughout US: https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=PRa6t_e7dgI

Seems pretty reasonable to me. At that time there really was a shortage of masks. Perhaps he should have advised people to improvise a mask?

Damn I’m sure he’s appealing to the AI godhead that he is victorious here and doesn’t spend too long of a time in prison.


The article says it hasn't been created yet.

Levandowski says that like other religions, WOTF will eventually have a gospel (called The Manual), a liturgy, and probably a physical place of worship. None of these has yet been developed. Though the church was founded in 2015, as Backchannel first reported in September, the IRS documents show that WOTF remained dormant throughout 2015 and 2016, with no activities, assets, revenue, or expenses.

The religion’s 2017 budget, as supplied to the IRS, details $20,000 in gifts, $1,500 in membership fees, and $20,000 in other revenue. That last figure is the amount WOTF expects to earn from fees charged for lectures and speaking engagements, as well as the sale of publications. Levandowski, who earned at least $120 million from his time at Google and many millions more selling the self-driving truck firm Otto to Uber, will initially support WOTF personally. However, the church will solicit other donations by direct mail and email, seek personal donations from individuals, and try to win grants from private foundations. https://www.wired.com/story/anthony-levandowski-artificial-i...

Thing to note: it's brought to my attention that he may never of been Valedictorian, and the UMD might not even give out that award.

But this is definitely a real student.

Name another VC that wears spurs

We detached this subthread from https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=14204334 and marked it off-topic.

Sometimes I think people in the Valley don't realize they live in a microcosm. I had never heard of Chris Sacca before Shark Tank, and I've raised venture capital in the Bay Area before.

I had never heard of Shark Tank, or any of the people mentioned so far in this thread until I stumbled upon a mispost somewhere on Hacker News. I don't get why people would watch that. The investors came off as idiots.

Hadn't heard of it either. Sounds like a very greedy guy that just has to blog about his trials and tribulations, and explain just how his greed is actually "drive" and "working hard". This VC kowtowing is sickening.

Just making a joke about his distinct style. I should've put his name in the title but most of HN seems to be catching on.

The title wouldn't instantly tip me off, because generally I would assume it was a metaphor. But yes, Chris Sacca actually wears spurs.

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