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Name another VC that wears spurs

We detached this subthread from https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=14204334 and marked it off-topic.

Sometimes I think people in the Valley don't realize they live in a microcosm. I had never heard of Chris Sacca before Shark Tank, and I've raised venture capital in the Bay Area before.

I had never heard of Shark Tank, or any of the people mentioned so far in this thread until I stumbled upon a mispost somewhere on Hacker News. I don't get why people would watch that. The investors came off as idiots.

Hadn't heard of it either. Sounds like a very greedy guy that just has to blog about his trials and tribulations, and explain just how his greed is actually "drive" and "working hard". This VC kowtowing is sickening.

Just making a joke about his distinct style. I should've put his name in the title but most of HN seems to be catching on.

The title wouldn't instantly tip me off, because generally I would assume it was a metaphor. But yes, Chris Sacca actually wears spurs.

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