Survive vs. thrive my friend. IMO you’re surviving which … fine … but I don’t see the appeal. You even highlight that you’re not saving for retirement … doesn’t seem sustainable.
Yes, this is not a permanent situation and not end of the world. My point was it is possible to live happy lifestyle in $60k to $80k with kids in VHCOL geos.
I’m looking at you KQ5 - “Failing to rescue this rat will result in yet another DMW. This is probably the single most infamous puzzle in King's Quest 5”
My company used to have Gallop run our engagement survey. That one did seem to raise eyebrows often. I always wondered what the action item was there? Like, other questions that did poorly they would try and do things to remedy (or really just talk about it and never accomplish it), but idk how anyone is supposed to help people make friends at work?