HTML is for displaying information, not being littered with things js needs to query for and access. That's the whole point of using something like vue?
Put a function on the vue component that will make a request, keep all the data stuff in vue.
>There is nothing wrong with storing some information in the DOM.
Except you're coupling your application state with the document model. If you ever do anything to change the DOM later on, (like installing React into your codebase) it'll come back to bite you in the ass hard, as now you need to find a means to communicate state that you just threw into the DOM like it were a slightly more acceptable global variable.
This is not the same as what gitlab is doing. React had attributes in order to remount correctly on the client side after a server render, this was removed. Using the latest react versions have nothing on the dom that isn't specifically needed to render correctly.
I heavily disagree with this decision from the US gov't. It's incredibly arrogant and selfish for a species to try and modify nature for an evolutionary advantage.
This is not a genetic modification of the mosquitoes, thus I don't see it as "modification of nature".
We use bleach to kill bacteria, insecticides to reduce insect populations, condoms to negate the course of insemination, and breed animals and plants to have specific properties they might not otherwise acquire for our sustenance (cow, pig, chicken). Do you not consider these processes the same? If so, do you disagree with these, also? If these are not comparable, why are these different?
“Modifying nature” is the evolutionary advantage that has allowed the human species to develop.
Drawing a line in the sand seems impossible given our footprint on the globe. Instead, some educated analysis of the benefits and consequences of our decisions seems like the best we can do.
Hi, running this in production for a startup ( We use Channels + DRF more recently. It works great, no problems there, and Daphne doesn't interfere at all with it.
I have been through a category 3 hurricane(Ivan) in the Caribbean and it devastated the island, cost us over a billion in damages and took about 10 years to recover. Its not something I want to go through again.
A category 5 at those wind speeds, even block structures with hip and gable roofing and short eaves can be torn off and have walls fall.
I hope you and everyone in this hurricane's path safety.
It was expected to go north today. Unfortunately, all models were wrong and it actually is coming much faster to our direction, and it keeps getting stronger. I'm legitimately scared.
This looks more like a case of Google hate more than a MIT license violation. I've looked at the repos and as others mention, the project is not a fork but a wrapper and they share no code. Others have also mentioned that the author of the issue has made clear his dislike for Google. Combined with the throwaway account posting to HN 30 mins after, this smells fishy.