The more grill is heat, the higher chance wires come off the melting plastic. I've also noticed this before. Since then I was preheating the grill a bit, shut down the fire, clean up with the brush, heat and cook.
I'll probably go with the Argentinian circus people way of cleaning the grill starting from now.
I already do something similar, with a ball of aluminum foil soaked in water and tongs. I will switch to the "Argentinian circus people way" of doing it, and will call it that, and tell all my guests that's what it's called, forever.
It's funny though as I had a very similar idea some years ago sticking much with virtual machines. I thought that if VM's disk image is just a file represented by sequence of zeroes and ones and what if someone would generate a final number of those images starting from 0...0 to 1...1 and then probe them all on a given emulated hardware what would be a chance to discover some viable/useful software? How would we detect it? How would we know or reverse engineer it to understand what it could be used for and how to use it, interact with it etc.?
So I ended up thinking that it would be a project similar to SETI but on a smaller scale (let's say if the image size would be limited to just 1Gb).
Bananas were a common good sold in Moscow back in 80-s. Every time my grandpa was on his business trip to Moscow he brought a bunch of them. Green, but in a few days they go yellow and sweet enough to eat.
Lines formed nowadays for buying a newer version of iPhone remind me those days back in USSR. No kidding. :)
They got more common over time indeed, but most things you could buy abroad just weren't available. Mostly tropical fruits and vegetables that wouldn't grow in most of Russia and since there was little import of anything... I remember tasting Kiwis for the first time after we moved to Europe.
As far as standing in line for the latest iPhone: no thank you indeed, been there done that :)