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This is just another example of how American Police budgets have gotten out of hand. A budget that allows for a municipal police force to install 721 "AI powered" recording devices. That are purchased from a publicly traded company, and deployed in areas guaranteed to funnel people into the for profit privatized prison system.

What a wonderful use of tax dollars. Protecting and serving the path to a better society.

> CITIZEN, you have been struck by an autonomous vehicle! I have reported the impact data to help us improve our platform. Thank you for your feedback.

Please collect your $25 participation gift card from the slot in the rear tailgate.

> What am I missing?

Likely a disrespect for a living wage for a common craftsman, and a misunderstanding of what quality goods actually are.

Certainly a lot of kids here survived on cheap $25 jansports, but did the people making them?

Man I'm kind of a bag snob but even pricier brands that differentiate on quality and worker wages are not $400.

I got a Tom Bihn Synapse backpack for around $200 in 2017 that I've traveled to many countries with and has been through I think way more than a kid going to elementary school. It's still going strong today.

It was made in a US factory with workers being paid good wages. $400 is a luxury/captive audience/conspicuous consumption price point.

Sounds similar to my Frost River Geologist Pack, which is around the same price point and handcrafted in Minnesota. I've gotten a lot of mileage out of it while often lugging 35+ lbs of stuff, and it seems pretty much indestructible.

$450 for an equivalent bag could be explained by things like cost of living differences, but the randoseru described in the article are smaller and made from less expensive materials. The design is arguably a little more complicated, but the price still seems high for what you're getting.

>quality goods actually are

Craftsman also use to make each nail by hand. Looks like kids getting saddled with heavy 200 year old bag designs whose function hasn't updated with the times.

It's not my moral duty to keep the makers of expensive bags employed.

I mean, I do that anyway as a hobby, but I don't owe it to anyone.

But maybe the Japanese value some of their traditions and want to keep them alive. There’s nothing wrong with that either.

No, there's nothing wrong with that at all!

However, that works both ways. It's wrong to say someone is "disrespectful" and "misunderstanding quality goods" because they don't want to get their kid a $450 bag instead of a cheaper, still-durable one.

Certainly not, and I don't mean to speak for you.

But lets just say that I exist within the FANG dystopia where at any moment I can be wrangled into a meeting with a half dozen people, that if you actually consider the salaries, headcount, and time, racks up to hundreds, maybe thousands of dollars burned. For the takeaway that the modal should be fullscreen, or that we are dramatically adjusting our "design system", or whatever may have been so mission critical. Real tangible goods.

But perhaps what I do is worth more, I mean, we are talkin' computers here! we are the true craftsmen!

Aside from the PS2, Nintendo owns the top 2 to 4 best selling consoles of all time. All three of them are cartridge based, included their most recent console.

They may have been outsold in the fifth generation of consoles, but first party software gave them longevity that their competitors wish they could replicate. Where is Master Chief and who, Crash Bandicoot, now?

The switch and DS aren't cartridge-based in the same sense at all that the SNES and N64 were though. The progression was generally:

ROM - VERY fast but small Optical disks - slower but much larger Flash carts - best of both worlds by the time we started using flash for game consoles

Nintendo f'd up by staying on ROM carts for the N64 because it limited your storage space so much. And the benefit - faster load times - was probably lost on many people. (Notice how no N64 game has loading screens of any notable length). OOT just uses brief fades to black.

>Where is Master Chief...?

Not Master Chief, try 'Steve' from the best selling game of all time.

If you can consider a Mascot something non-exclusive to the brand, introduced fourteen years after the release of the Xbox, and brought on through an acquisition, then sure.

Like Pikachu?

I thought that the money was "in my data". That harvesting the viewing/browsing habits offered an insight that not even my "wife or priest" could trade in value to Google.

Now I have to pay to surrender that data?

I've heard when a snake eats it's own tail you should try rubbing alcohol.

Or butter

three billion dollars in revenue last year

Over 3B in profit, actually.

> Zoom Video Communications gross profit for the twelve months ending October 31, 2022 was $3.283B, a 15.34% increase year-over-year.


Gross profit is not profit as we commonly understand it.

A good point. TIL gross profit only counts the cost of producing the product, but not payroll, taxes etc.

That same link does show a $900M traditional profit on $4B of revenue, so roughly a 20% profit margin. It is a decrease year over year, but still remarkably good.

At an estimated 12k employees, it's also around $360k in revenue per employee, which is pretty decent (though not top-10 for the tech industry).

This is not about revenue.

Companies are noticing that every time they do a layoff, their stock skyrockets. Decreasing expenses is the icing on the cake.

Must be doing a good job managing the company. Somebody give this man a bonus!

It's your definition that is misunderstood, not the oxymoron.

> Shadow banning, also called stealth banning, hellbanning, ghost banning or comment ghosting, is the practice of blocking or partially blocking a user or the user's content from some areas of an online community in such a way that the ban is not readily apparent to the user


Okay. I guess I'm saying that I think it's dumb when you don't tell the user that their account is in this state.

HN doesnt tell you the state of your account. In fact, I don't know of any service that says that they do.

That's the whole point though. Otherwise they'll just make a new account.


Undercut competition by burning raised capital. Then once you've got the market share, you boil the frogs you gathered. I believe the euphemism around these parts is "disruption".

Unfortunately for them, you can go walk (or drive) and get a burger! I quite enjoy phoning through an order and picking it up like it’s 1986!

Near my old place, there's a poke place that simply refuses to take orders over the phone. They do do doordash, though.

New startup: we take your orders on the phone and order with doordash. For this we give you a 30% discount funded by VC.

There is nothing on your site to determine how you have defined "high quality clothes"?

Based on the stock images, I'm confused as to why would I pay a subscription fee for the right to buy your "signature" Gildan brand t-shirt?

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