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three billion dollars in revenue last year

Over 3B in profit, actually.

> Zoom Video Communications gross profit for the twelve months ending October 31, 2022 was $3.283B, a 15.34% increase year-over-year.


Gross profit is not profit as we commonly understand it.

A good point. TIL gross profit only counts the cost of producing the product, but not payroll, taxes etc.

That same link does show a $900M traditional profit on $4B of revenue, so roughly a 20% profit margin. It is a decrease year over year, but still remarkably good.

At an estimated 12k employees, it's also around $360k in revenue per employee, which is pretty decent (though not top-10 for the tech industry).

This is not about revenue.

Companies are noticing that every time they do a layoff, their stock skyrockets. Decreasing expenses is the icing on the cake.

Must be doing a good job managing the company. Somebody give this man a bonus!

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