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I think the biggest misunderstanding is that Antifa is some sort of group or organised movement.

That's it. Of course being anti-fascist or anti-capitalist are some of the main talking points of left wing protesters and sure, there might be groups of organised protestors. But there is no one organisation behind it all and that is the misconcenption many people have when they hear the word Antifa.

No one should be afraid or ashamed of claiming to be anti-fascist, just because some people who have claimed to be that have not acted ethically!

But why would that be beneficial? Having the terminal multiplexer "in th shell" seems so much more convenient. I use Alacritty and tmux but I always open tmux anyway.

the story so far: terminal emulators come and go, tmux stays...

tmux? Most people I know still use screen.

i liked screen until tmux came along. now i had a nice and readable config file and a BSD quality man page.

Yeah.. I really don't get it. Also, why is being "woke" a bad thing? Would love a thorough explanation.

You didn't get an answer so I'll provide one.

The ostensible reason is that it's social conformity, that does not tolerate dissent, and uses invalid means of enforcing that conformity. They see it as a form of identity politics and grievance nurturing.

The real reason is that it's precisely because it breaks social conformity. "Woke" is used to describe anything that objects to marginalization, by people who aren't in those marginalized groups, and fear becoming one.

Being against "wokeism" is precisely identity politics and grievance nurturing, primarily by those who identify politically with white men and nurturing their grievances. Pretty much any time you read it, you can assume that what they're complaining about is something they're doing. If they complain about being shut down, it's because they're trying to shut down somebody else. If they complain about somebody being easily insulted, it's because they're being easily insulted.

There are plenty of difficulties associated with the pursuit of justice and equality. People have legitimate disagreements about it. And they'll seek to exploit those by presenting themselves as the most aggrieved group, magnified by their sheer numbers -- that being the entire point.

I use flatpaks all the time and I almost always have to adjust these permissions to be more restrictive.

It's really not an issue with flatpak itself, it's the maintainers who give permissions that are not restrictive enough. It's understandable because it makes it easier to package and maintain.. but it also kind of makes the whole concept useless.

What I personally want is apps which are as, if not more restricted than mobile apps.

When I tested out eBPF a couple weeks ago I immediately had LittleSnitch in mind! Great to see that someone had the same idea and also the time to make it happen.

There's much more that can be done as well, I really highly recommend taking a look at eBPF!

Yes, you got it. Important is that a wave has a frequency and also a shape (e.g. sine, square, etc.). Even if the shape is different and the frequency is the same, the "pitch" is the same. The shape is the "timbre", or what makes the instruments sound different.

You can deconstruct any given sound wave into its partial sine waves. This is typically done using a Fourier Transform algorithm (FT).

Of course, we can also do it the other way around, create a signal out of many sine waves. In practice, this is called additive synthesis.

Instruments not only sound different because of the timbre. Another thing to look at is the loudness over time, e.g. when plucking a string. We usually do this with an ADSR representation (Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release).

Knowing these chracteristics is enough to recreate an instrument with a synthesizer. Of course, it gets more complex when there are inharmonics and if they are irregular (different depending on each tone). That's why synthesizing instruments realistically is a pretty time consuming science.

...and why guys like Martin Galway were absolute genius in the music they could get out of the C64 SID.

Not sure why he said that it's a lie. I have had lucid and vivid dreams that felt very real. The most significant one was when I "woke up" but in a dream. I then woke up again but this time for real. It was so surreal and at first I wasn't sure whether I was actually awake or still in a dream...

It haunted me for some time after because I never expected something like in the movie inception to be possible in real life.

Looking at US politics as a european, it seems like the republicans are far right and the democrats are center left. The problem is how these two parties have a duopoly. I'm pretty sure that Sanders supporters and other more progressive leftists heavily critisize Biden and the democrats.

So no, it's not only republicans and Trump that get "cancelled".

Which European country? I’m most familiar with Germany, because my wife lived there. I think American Republicans, and many moderates, would actually be happy with the German CDU. Not cruel to immigrants and refugees, but Merkel can say that she doesn’t believe in “multiculturalism” and it’s accepted as a mainstream opinion. Abortion is available, upon counseling and waiting periods, but only up to 12 weeks absent a special case. Bavaria can require government buildings to display crosses on government property. Schools are required by the basic law to offer religious instruction (so Christian and Muslim parents can ensure their children are socialized in their religion’s morals, and not a secular moral framework created for schools). Etc.

Part of Republicans’ apparent extremism is a response to the strongly left-wing nature of America’s cultural institutions, in view of the very conservative nature of American society. In the area of religion, for example, America is far more religious than Germany (and comparable to Poland or Turkey). But American liberals, through the Supreme Court, have effectively pushed religion out of the public sphere (especially schools) much more completely than in Germany.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"

That's the difference.

>strongly left-wing nature of America’s cultural institutions

America's cultural institutions are certainly strong and center-left, but not extremely left wing. You don't see Hollywood promoting kibbutzim or the abolition of commodities. The truth is way more boring: Rich people on the coasts are general pro-gay marriage or what have you, but don't try to build dense housing near them or raise their taxes.

American idpol is at the pretty extreme end) left I'd say, even compared to europe.

What I truly don't understand is how many people invest into BitCoin. There seems to be a complete disregard of its problems and its technical limitations. Why would they choose the "flawed prototype" for their investments?

I can only assume that they didn't read and learn enough about the subject before throwing money at it...

You could argue that even if it's flawed, BTC has at least some utility to it. DogeCoin on the other hand is a farce without any use for it, except making fools lighter in the pocket.

Apparently dogecoin is actually used on a variety of sites for legitimate purposes. but even so, 500+ percent increase in the past month and supported on major trading platforms doesn't seem foolish or making wallets lighter.

It could go down of course, it probably will but your statement is wrong on both accounts

"flawed prototype"? You don't like the economics or a scammer had convinced you they have the same technology with no trade offs?

It might be a flawed prototype but it's made a lot of people a lot of money investing in it

That’s not a good criterion as ponzi schemes make a lot of people money investing in it. I think it’s important to evaluate financial trends based on first principles to understand if we’re just seeing a small window at the beginning of a scheme.

Well people are also actually using it deflating your ponzi scheme argument. And people are investing in it also. But it has utility

I was arguing that making money for investors is not a good criterion without more info. So doge having utility doesn’t deflate, but reinforces my argument.

Inflation of doge is really small. 5B new coins per year. That's 3,9% this year. 3,75% next year, 3,5% and so on.

They could have. If they shorted again on tuesday at >300 they could have made a lot of money by covering the next day when the price dropped due to the buy restrictions. At one point in the aftermarket the stock even hit 500$ and the next day went back down to 190$. That is potwntially a lot of money for the right short positions.

This is dead wrong.

Melvin got a margin call from their prime broker, which is why they needed to get bailed out abruptly by Griffin and Cohen. The mid-month injection shows how dire it was and how margin calls work. Hedge funds like Melvin typically use monthly accounting, so typically you can only add/withdraw capital for the first of the month. But margin calls are fire drills, all the sudden you get a phone call saying, "We need another $3 billion in equity or we liquidate your account" and you either sell stocks like mad (though even in this case I don't think it was an option) or pray you have a white knight sugar daddy like Griffin/Cohen to write a check literally overnight. Melvin had no choice but to cover, they couldn't start doubling down it doesn't work that way, they'd be done, and actually some of these stocks like GME were so volatile that it might even eat into the prime (but really the clearing broker).

How much does Melvin have? Margin calls are about total value vs short value. If gme was only a small percentage of their shorts at the start they could be well under the 50% capital requirements to not get a margin call. Hedge funds often don't diversify, but they still know the value in it.

Though I tend to agree with those who conclude that they wouldn't risk lieing in their public statements.

They have potentially unlimited source of funds at disposal from their parent hedge fund. They often don't shut down especially when they have better information than the public.

They can eat the cost of getting the timing wrong if it means they stand to make a killing which they are poised to do as average retail traders are simply transferring wealth to the pockets of executives and hedge fund managers while thinking they are actually socking it to the big man.

Eventually the stream comes to a stop, a large dip or people cashing out signals an end and a group of retailers who didn't know that they were being pumped are caught holding the bags.

I am now reading on r/wallstreetbets that $30,000/share makes perfect sense and it had like 24k upvotes. This is the type of insanity gripping the subreddit. Now even people who don't even use reddit are asking me how they can buy GME. This is textbook peak bubble even as we are consistently seeing red days across the board.

Melvin does not presently have a parent hedge fund, and it never has. It received investments from two other hedge funds, but those were for non-controlling revenue share.


does seem like a relationship to me and if so they likely have Cohen's liquidity close by. Rarely are these groups independent, they all eat from the same bowl, a very large one at that.

I just do not believe they have thrown in the towel. Wouldn't you be drunk with lust when you realize a very rare opportunity? Timing isn't the concern here its the inevitability of the obvious in the long run. Anytime GME shoots up due to retail exuberance, the probability of bearish plays go up. There's simply no fundamentals that justifies its price.

Benjamin Graham said something about voting machines and weighing scale...

Yes they have a relationship, it's known that Point72 has been an investor. That doesn't imply ownership or even majority stake. It's very common for funds to invest in other funds, just like it's common for large tech companies to have business development and VC arms.

This is extremely unlikely. I'm saying they wouldn't have survived to see $300. You think they managed to live long enough to short at the top tick without being margin called and having their prime broker pull the plug on them?

The doubt around this situation is uncritical. This is a firm motivated by money. If you're seriously interested in making money, you don't lie to the public about closing your positions (boom, securities fraud) and stay in it when the volatility of the thing has destroyed your thesis (boom, breaking fiduciary duty). You get out to trade another day.

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