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> Do I NEED Alexa to turn on the light? I can walk, I can do it myself.

Do I NEED NETFLIX to watch TV ? I can watch other channels.

Do I NEED a TV for entertainment ? I can enjoy nature walks.

Do I NEED nature walks to be happy ? I can meditate in peace like a monk.

The words WANT and NEED are arbitrary, subjective and interchange-able.

this whole discussion seems pedantic.

whether it is a local function or a remote function, both caller and callee need to agree on the parameters (input), and returns (output).

I send you X. You send me back Y. That's it - this is the contract we both agree to.

OP is saying - the caller should NEVER do anything with Y other than display it on screen, for it to be called REST. Well - why even display it, why not just discard it ? Calling print(Y) is as good as calling businesslogic(Y). Whatever further logic a human plans to do after print(Y), a machine can do the same.

In other words, REST is just step 1 of returning data from a remote function. The moment you code any additional logic on the returned data (which is 99% of use cases), it's not REST anymore ? Sounds like an extremely limited definition /use case of REST.

I found the discussion flat-out silly. It basically says something is only "self-describing" if it's an HTML blob, but in the example given, the JSON blob is actually easier to understand.

Sure, you can run the HTML through a browser and it looks nicer, but who cares? You can also render a JSON blob with a slightly different set of rules. And if we don't bother with the rendering on either side, it remains just as obvious what the JSON means.

If these people wanted their ideas to stand the rest of time, rather than merely the acronyms, they should have had better ideas.

this whole discussion seems pedantic.

whether it is a local function or a remote function, both caller and callee need to agree on the parameters (input), and returns (output).

I send you X. You send me back Y. That's it - this is the contract we both agree to.

OP is saying - the caller should NEVER do anything with Y other than display it on screen, for it to be called REST. Well - why even display it, why not just discard it ? Calling print(Y) is as good as calling businesslogic(Y). Whatever further logic a human plans to do after print(Y), a machine can do the same.

In other words, REST is just step 1 of returning data from a remote function. The moment you code any additional logic on the returned data (which is 99% of use cases), it's not REST anymore ? Sounds like an extremely limited definition /use case of REST.

> and wife's son


i wonder what tool dang uses to see comment replies and respond ?

the ycombinator web UI does not encourage real-time or even near-time responses.

To my knowledge, there is a combination of specific views on the site that highlight important features of the site (an obvious example might be the list of flagged comments; a less-obvious example might be https://news.ycombinator.com/topcomments which shows the top-most comment of each front page item) as well as email alerts from a variety of sources, some of those being user-driven.

in order to read your reply to my comment, i had to :

- click on my user name

- click on comments

- search/scroll to this thread and see your reply

I don't get notified of comment replies like on reddit. there is no slack/email page of DMs/PMs.

You can just click the 'threads' link at the top left and it'll show you your comments and nested replies.

I had no idea about this until someone mentioned it. Prior to that I couldn't be bothered very often to check my comments for replies. It was too many steps and made me feel narcissistic for doing all that just to see.

edit- spelling.

You can refresh your replies list over time, or you can sign up for Notify HN or any similar service that notifies you via email.

My strict rule : Never write/store documentation that is separate from underlying 0s & 1s. It always goes out of sync.

We are currently in the process of creating a data dictionary for our company.

I put down a rule that we are not ever going to create a SEPARATE WordDoc/Wiki/Evernote/GenZ-tool.

If it is code, document its meaning (english explanation for laymen) in the doc string. If it is data, document its meaning in the column's metadata (all database systems provide a property/comment/description capability at table & column level). If it requires complex diagrams, put these in whatever files (doc/image/pdf/mp3), store it as a blob in a database and create a link it in original code comments/column metadata.

All this data is then constantly pulled into some data-mart on top of which a query-able UI is created.

Every documentation must be literally "Tied" to actual systems making money for the company.

If a new code/data is created or updated, and it's missing documentation, PR is not approved. Once the basic technical setup of tying code/data with comments/metadata is done, enforcing this rule of updating documentation is the job of management/CTO culture.

also doesn't mention religions which prohibits drinking of alcohol (Hinduism, Islam) because it is considered both harmful and intoxicating, which leads a man to commit sin due to lack of judgement, and how they have lived long healthy lives.

This is basically Google (Chrome) paying Mozilla (Firefox) to kill 3rd party cookies because Google has a better way to fingerprint users without 3rd party cookies, because they have SO MUCH data about us.

This move is aimed at killing other AdTech companies which rely on 3rd party cookies to track users.

They painting this as a 'PRIVACY' move, after they have already found other ways of tracking users across websites and devices.

This is basically Google (Chrome) paying Mozilla (Firefox) to kill 3rd party cookies because Google has a better way to fingerprint users without 3rd party cookies, because they have SO MUCH data about us.

This move is aimed at killing other AdTech companies which rely on 3rd party cookies to track users.

They painting this as a 'PRIVACY' move, after they have already found other ways of tracking users across websites and devices.

It's still a good thing though. Better to be tracked by one company than a whole industry.

One company is the whole industry, Google

Happy 2021 Bhrata!

Ugadi (Kannada/Karnataka New Year) falls on April 13 2021 as per Panchang (traditional Hindu almanac followed in India).

BTW, using Panchang, a Vedic pundit in a village can accurately predict solar/lunar eclipse start/end times (among many other predictions) without any scientific instrument whatsoever.

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