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The misplaced hyphenations mid-paragraph in that abstract made me vocalise the text in my head as a reader with hiccups.

Thats the sad state of (i guess) automatic pdf text extraction, consequence of research papers being exclusively in pdf, consequence of (la)tex coming from another age. I love and praise tex for what it allows to do, but my opinion is that now is the time to get past it, learn everything it has done right and apply the new knowledge we have in language design to get a better surface language (lower friction syntax, higher-level semantics allowing to separate structured content from typography and extract other stuff than a visual document from a source file). Tex being so good means it has such a monopoly that this kind of project have to be tremendously good to have a chance (which is probably a good thing).

Fair use exemption makes specific reference to "purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting" - those are just the first three listed, and all three apply to a HN post.

This is a gross misrepresentation of fair use doctrine. Fair use requires a "transformation" of the work. It does not permit reproducing a work in its entirety without permission just so you can have a discussion about it.

I don't think "malicious chips" was a quote from Apple - Apple's letter mentioned "the existence of malware or other malicious activity." adding "Nothing was ever found." - which is pretty broad.

Every webstory is quoting that same excerpt - if the entire letter was printed somewhere, I can't find it.

Thanks for pointing this out! Yeah, that is pretty broad.

Hi Joe.

This answer is a bit rambly, but I think my subconscious has a point to make, and I'm trying to tease it out.

This may come across the wrong way, but: which poor people? Your town, your country, or your whole planet?

I'm not an expert, but my hunch is if you start with a very local project (depending on where you live, it shouldn't be hard to find your local poverty), you'll get the answers you need - and I think if you're going to make a big impact, it will grow from that.

When I lived in L.A., young-me sat down with someone I thought was homeless - a panhandling gent sitting on some steps in Hollywood - we talked, about a bunch of things, he told me about his routine. Said he made about 30 bucks at night at that spot - also turned out he had a home, so I'd made an incorrect assumption.

A lot of my friends thought it was pretty weird that I would engage with the guy. Guess they had bad experiences with similar situations? I don't know. I doubt it; I suspect people were afraid. But what do you have to lose?

Talk to some of the people you're looking to help. A few small things will stand out in your mind - scale those.

I'm jumping the gun here, but if your mind's reaction is that that's not 'global' enough - I don't think anything grows to be a global force without a solid kernel, and that should be able to succeed at a small scale.

For what it's worth, that's my take.

Best of luck.

I've gotten lost in the 'assembly is too high level' series on this blog recently and it was very enjoyable. Also learned some things I didn't know.

That's a good point.

Makes me wonder if that 2D mountain range projection could be used to 'search' through a 3D map for a match.

Coincidentally, I had exactly just that thought about a week ago whilst I was staring out at a nearby mountain.

I have very little knowledge about this kind of problem, but to me, it seems like a solvable problem - there has been some interesting work in reconstructing 3D models from photographs of objects (I have a friend who did his masters in something similar) and I don't doubt that people working on that type of problem would likely have some ideas for approaching this one.

Though to make it tractable one would perhaps want to "weight" the algorithm / start the search from likely vantage points (i.e. from inside cities / on top of buildings, and along roads), and take some discrete samples of what the mountain range would look like at various angles from that point.

I wonder if it would be possible to do something similar to a binary search or Newton's method type thing where if you have two nearby points looking at the same mountain range, you could figure out the probability that the actual vantage point lies somewhere in the vague area between those points, and so get a better idea of where to take more precise samples after you've started with a few discrete samples.

This should be a tractable problem. Cruise missiles navigate by matching the terrain they're flying by with a 3d model.

Doing it with 2d video and not having precise starting coordinates, speed/heading/altitude makes the search space larger but I think that is more than made up for by the fact that you're not trying to do it all on embedded hardware from the 80s.

Maybe my attention span let me down here, but did I miss the part where the alleged taste-altering virus was identified? I enjoyed the article, but I was really interested in finding out more about that particular point.

Not sure whether it's my attention span or just this article's style of jumping around between subjects - I couldn't get past a third into it.

This may just be my taste but even in long form articles I want the central hypothesis stated right at the beginning. Don't waste my time with your personal annecdotes, except if the annecdote is so interesting that your whole article is about it, at least then I'll know what you're talking about right from the start. Otherwise it's like a film starting with a bunch of backstory instead of an inciting incident.

When I first saw that section I guessed maybe she had eaten pine nuts, but having experienced the taste disturbance (metallogeusia) those can cause, I decided her symptoms were much less unpleasant.


Purely anecdotal on my part, but I noticed my taste preferences changed a bit after I had mono. Again, totally my own experience, not bounded in fact at all, but it is interesting...

I'm pretty sure the implied sentiment is "Build programs that look impossible because they might turn out to be possible."

Assembly typically requires you to declare your own alignments. There are some higher-level assemblers, with macros and things, but you're right, there's rarely an abstract language offering low-level memory specification.

I also dislike the tendency to only expose the abstract view, although I think that trend is due to the difficulties involved in designing a language and compiler whose job is to output code for multiple architectures. Well, at least I hope that's why, because I don't know why you'd choose to offer less control in your language otherwise.

probably a dumb question but if you exposed the low level memory manipulation wouldn't you just end up with something like assembly?

I don't think it's a dumb question. And I think you're right: the closer you get to the way the CPU you're targeting likes its memory optimally managed, you're basically heading towards assembly.

I have notions that there can be something 'between' assembly and, for instance, C, but that's a daydream of mine without any details worked out yet.

I’m not sure you’re actually heading down the path of assembly in terms of the language itself, but you’re definitely moving towards the architectural lock-in of assembly.

But maybe thats fine if the language can express architectural-specific decisions (like memory layout) and abstract it away in a more sane fashion than ifdefsc and the rest of the codebase can maintain the pretense of portability.

Low-level memory work, if you care about things like data locations and exact layout of memory, is possible in practice with C. There are cases where you can run into aliasing problems, but controlling the actual memory layout is no problem at all. (There are some limitations.)

This comment might sound like I'm being difficult, but I'm genuinely asking.

You imply a downside for Bob in his avoidance of shared-vulnerability-relationship, you didn't explicitly state it - you said it hurts others who have expectations over him. Maybe the details of their marriage, which are none of my business, are where the answer is - but my question is: what is the downside for him?

Maybe the downside is that Bob will observe that others express displeasure at his behavior, having let down their expectations(maybe unreasonable) of him. Now Bob isn't callous by nature so this will weigh upon his conscience.

Bob still loves Alice, so something that hurts Alice hurts Bob.

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