Maybe my attention span let me down here, but did I miss the part where the alleged taste-altering virus was identified? I enjoyed the article, but I was really interested in finding out more about that particular point.
Not sure whether it's my attention span or just this article's style of jumping around between subjects - I couldn't get past a third into it.
This may just be my taste but even in long form articles I want the central hypothesis stated right at the beginning. Don't waste my time with your personal annecdotes, except if the annecdote is so interesting that your whole article is about it, at least then I'll know what you're talking about right from the start. Otherwise it's like a film starting with a bunch of backstory instead of an inciting incident.
When I first saw that section I guessed maybe she had eaten pine nuts, but having experienced the taste disturbance (metallogeusia) those can cause, I decided her symptoms were much less unpleasant.
Purely anecdotal on my part, but I noticed my taste preferences changed a bit after I had mono. Again, totally my own experience, not bounded in fact at all, but it is interesting...