Please remind me again how Recall sends data to Microsoft. I must've missed that part. Or are you against the print screen button too? I heard that takes images too. Very scary.
While calling it spyware like GP is over-exaggeration to a ridiculous level, comparing Recall to Print Screen is also inaccurate:
Print Screen takes images on demand, Recall does so effectively at random. This means Recall could inadvertently screenshot and store information you didn't intend to keep a record of (To give an extreme example: Imagine an abuser uses Recall to discover their spouse browsing online domestic violence resources).
> Please remind me again how Recall sends data to Microsoft. I must've missed that part.
Sure, just post the source code and I'll point out where it does so, I somehow misplaced my copy. /s
The core problem here is trust, and over the last several years Microsoft has burned a hell of a lot of theirs with power-users of Windows. Even their most strident public promises of Recall being "opt-in" and "on-device only" will--paradoxically--only be kept as long as enough people remain suspicious.
Glance away and MS go back to their old games, pushing a mandatory "security update" which reset or entirely-removes your privacy settings and adding new "telemetry" streams which you cannot inspect.
Without any sort of AI we'd probably be left with the most exciting yearly releases being 3-5% performance increases in hardware (while being 20% more expensive of course), the 100000th javascript framework and occasionally a new windows which everybody hates. People talk about how population collapse is going to mess up society, but I think complete stagnation in terms of new consumer goods/technology are just as likely to do the deed.
Maybe AI will fail to improve from this point, but that's a dark future to imagine. Especially if it's for the next 50 years.
Neither of those things will end society, they aren't even issues in the grand scale of things.
Climate change and biosphere collapse, on the other hand, are already ending society and definitely will, no exceptions possible - unless someone is capable of performing several miracles.
These amazing machines weren't consistently able to tell if an image had a bird in it or not up until like 8 years ago. If you use AI as a calculator where you need it to be precise, that's on you.
I think the issue is that: I’m not going to be using as a calculator any time soon.
Unfortunately, there’s a lot of people out there, working on a lot of products, some of which I need to use, or will be exposed to, and some of them aren’t going to have the same qualms about “language model thinks 2+2=5”.
There’s a guy on Twitter scoring how well ChatGPT models can do multiplication.
A founder at a previous workplace wanted to wholesale dump data into ChatGPT and “make it do causal analysis!!!” (Only slightly paraphrased). These tools enable some frighteningly large-scale weaponised stupidity.
What's with his obsession with GPT-5? Altman has conistently been saying that there will be no GPT-5 this year almost since the years beginning. He's acting like OpenAI promised GPT-5 and are unable to release it or something.
I had a dream like that a few months ago. Woke up around 5 times in my supposed bed. Each wakeup became more and more realistic but there was always something out of place like my lamp suddenly not being there or my door being open which then would make me "wake up" again. I was pretty damn conscious/lucid by the last wakeup but I didn't realize I was dreaming until I turned on the light, turned on the TV, switched to YouTube, selected a video, watched some of it and saw the video controls being wrong.
Being aware of me having woken up so many times already at this point and this also being fake gave me the biggest sense of dread I've felt in a long long time. Luckily then I actually woke up for real.