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Anyone else having an issue with it not showing anything in Firefox mobile?

I didn't know that, but I'm glad I have my MacBook in clamshell mode with an external camera with a physical cover.

I mean, I appreciated the little green light, but the fact that it seemed necessary indicates to me that humanity still needs some evolving.

I have a regular prescription I have gotten refilled at Kaiser Permanente for years. I use their online site and get my meds mailed to me.

It may have been 2 years ago or so, but the process stopped working and wouldn't accept my confirmation after giving my credit card info. I've got a handful of privacy tools on my browser. I finally gave in and temporarily white listed the pharmacy and still cleared out any trackers. Sent the web admin a basic, "WTF, folks?" and got a BS non answer.

Fast forward to maybe November or December last year. Refill time, and the trackers were even worse. I kind of need my meds though. So I created a new account on my computer, and ordered my meds.

Then I filed a complaint of a possible HIPAA violation, starting at https://www.hhs.gov/hipaa/filing-a-complaint/index.html and was polite, factual, and provided some non hysterical examples of how a prescription could indicate a specific health issue with resulting advertising or PII release to parties not needing it.

I received an email at the end of February. I was probably not the only person that sent a complaint, but the end result is that KP is being investigated.


I went through a similar gauntlet with kaiser as well.

This was years ago, but I complained that kaiser had trackers throughout its website for doubleclick and googletagmanager. (nowadays they don't use those domains and go directly to google.com, I assume because people don't block that)

I complained.

To be clear, the tracking links traverse the entire website - communication with your doctor, test results, prescriptions, even the complaint form I filed out.

I got the same sort of non-answers. I pushed and pushed and finally, I did get an answer - "the website is a convenience".

I blocked the trackers, and pretty soon to continue to use the website, I had to agree to the privacy policy.

I didn't agree. I stopped using the website.

But they wouldn't let me delete my account. (I think california law allows you to ask.) I called multiple times. I still have an account and get emails from them.

Thanks for holding them accountable. This stuff is such a needless barrier to care for so many people.

Good, thank you for fighting the good fight.

I do wonder whether it's possible to inject harmless stubs for these trackers so you don't have to deal with the bureaucracy of filing a complaint though. Then again, stubbing helps a few techy people, filing a formal complaint helps everyone.

Could you document your steps with more details so other people can reproduce and file complaints as well?

That was fun. Got it by 2:00, but also played a few hunches with a cowboy move here and there that may have saved time.

Still not going to convince me to respond to Slack that quickly, though.

No verifiable sources cited, just large amounts of scary percentages.

If everybody is pirating, then everything will go away. We've heard this since cassette tapes, video tapes, decss, torrents, and we'll continue hearing it with new tech.

I say to the streaming companies and the content creators, stop bluffing. Shut it down since pirates are apparently chatting you billions.

Cash in your options, go to your private island retreat and never darken our door again. I have physical books, and walks are usually nice.

To grok is to drink.

Get a load of this clown.

They just immediately receive the delete button.

Maybe 5 years ago or so, I got an email that sounded good in terms of domain and tech stack, and with good detail on tasks and responsibilities.

As I reached the bottom, I saw a salary heading and assumed it would have a good range. It said something like $80k - $2 million.

Immediately deleted and a filter placed in my email to never hear from them again.

I call it the "flower" key, mainly due to the response I got from a couple other devs when I switched from years of Windows to doing some Mac stuff, and didn't know that it was called "command".

Well that could explain why there was a kerfluffle when checking my Advent of Code account earlier. It worked a few minutes later, so all good.

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