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An Easy Fix (chhopsky.itch.io)
123 points by Sebguer 8 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 24 comments

I feel like the author of this must have installed spyware on my computer to build this scenario.

"you open Confluence and desperately read through six possibly relevant pages"

Too real. What's left out is the detail that all contain stale references and are last updated by Unknown User no longer at the company.

Exactly how I felt. Some experiences are just universal!

so this is where all the views are coming from! glad you liked it :)

I knew it was good because it felt exactly like home....er, work.

As a fellow game developer this was just way too real. Everything about it brought back memories.

great simulation !

Morale of the story: if you want to make it, ignore slack, don't search by yourself, and expedite shit by altering data in prod manually.

lmaooo now that is an entire meta-commentary on the nature of the work required to fix bugs

This was actually a fun little game. It opens a tiny window into what a whole pile of HN types seem to deal with. Especially interesting for those of us not directly in computer development.

2:00pm did a mix of safe and stupid. Still no clue what the actual issue was tho, so sounds like a regular day in the office for me.

3:45, but I’m terrible at my job and this proves it. You should consider turning this into a testing process for interviews. I would say this is a pretty accurate proxy for my daily work in finance related work.

Same, but even missing the deadline was realistic.

Manager: This is urgent, fix it today. Dev: Rush rush, miss deadline.

Manager: Ok no problem, let's move the deadline by a week just in case.

Played it like a professional and shipped at 14:30 - the bug can wait. How did the cowboys fare?

You can get it all done by 3pm on the dot, just never do the safe thing

02:45pm is possible too

You don't even need to 'never do the safe thing'. You can sometimes indulge in safety, and still make it before 3pm.

3:15, 15 minutes late therefore release is delayed by a day.

That was fun. Got it by 2:00, but also played a few hunches with a cowboy move here and there that may have saved time.

Still not going to convince me to respond to Slack that quickly, though.

This hits waaaaaay too close to home.

I got done at 3:08, but was still on time, somehow... 8)

I want a bonus after fixing that bug

2:15, and I even tested my fix first.


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