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I don't think any off-the-shelf bootstrap theme can meet your design objectives, but if it can, go for it.

How much would you hire a designer to do this?

It's still faster for the person running up the escalator but for that luxury, we are sacrificing half the capacity of the escalator.

Having another row of people on the left means the overall capacity increases and everyone moves faster but I always walk up the stairs and this won't benefit me one bit. Everyone else wins.

Standing when I'm in a rush can never be faster than walking up the escalator.

i figure it's not a luxury. people walk slowly inside the stations. escalator or no escalator. platforms are ridiculously small. i avoid taking the underground when i'm commuting to work because it's just hell. walking up the escalator is the one time i feel i'm actually going places (when i'm commuting). this would be acceptable if the rest of the journey wasn't just miserable. now they set out to make the journey 100% miserable. thanks tfl...

why doesn't tfl try and improve the stations instead of coming up with this crap? i hate to sound like some sort of hillbilly but hey, if everyone walks up the escalator the throughput is even greater! another one: if you close down one station for a whole year, why not improve the platforms by making them bigger? in fact, you close down the station for a year and when you open it again the works are not even close to being done! fantastic!


I did. I'll trip load thanks

Thanks a lot for your feedback.

Our first few projects are just coming through now, so I'll update the homepage in a few days, when we have enough work samples for a portfolio.

We can do your whole webpage. $179 for the first page, then $100/page after that.

I'm already working on quizzes. I still need to refactor the current code base though so that feature is at least two weeks out.

The multi course feature is already working as well and once I clean the code up, I'll update the code base on GitHub.

Do you have any other type of assessment in mind?

Hi Ankur,

I very much didn't intend to offend you, copy you or cause you to be upset.

That homepage design is based on what Udemy looked like before their update and that's why I felt okay to use it as a starting point.

That said, I'll update the homepage for the course today with a new design as a gesture of good faith.

I think the platform itself, not the homepage/sales page is what the people using coursify like. I suspect many of them won't even use that homepage. It's just a starting point.

Again I'm trying to make friends not enemies. Hope I didn't offend you.


Happy Easter.

Thank you, appreciate the response and the new design.

Keep me updated with future developments (ankur@usefedora.com) and maybe we can work together in the future.

Hopefully we can.

I'll let you know when the new design is up. I've already coded most of it.

Seems to be back up?


Yes I'm working on that. And it will also be free . Not sure how I'll monetise that though.

Probably a one time fee to host it on a platform like Amazon whose fees will be separately paid by the user

Do you mean the OneDayRails course?

I meant I thought it was a project to encourage people to build & deploy open source courses on a platform. :)

Oh that's a good idea.

Seed planted

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