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Show HN: Olokuta – Hire a landing page design team in 5 minutes (olokuta.com)
5 points by Felix21 on May 19, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

$1000 for just a design. How is that better than searching for a premium bootstrap theme?

I don't think any off-the-shelf bootstrap theme can meet your design objectives, but if it can, go for it.

How much would you hire a designer to do this?

Sorry , but heres a little frank review of the offering . 1) The websites shown as example are not good projects , the websites shown are very basic and do not look like a 1000$ landing page . 2) If this websites comes up in a google result , I would never trust it , as thrs is no information about team or location etc is available . I may look for 4-5 seconds and close the tab .

Your images are huge for their small size. Like 1.4mb for a thumbnail (actually it is a full sized image with some width set).

I hope this is not representative of the landing pages you would get from this service ;)

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