It's difficult to call Madhava's work calculus as we know it. He and his school certainly made huge contributions to analysis of infinite series, but they did not develop that into a unifying framework. It's important to note that no mathematics is done in a vacuum, if Newton/Leibniz "invented" Calculus, it's by building on top of hundreds of years of work done throughout the world.
This is a classic problem you can make in any language. If you were doing Java, and forgot to use `finally` for a resource, you'd have a leak due to an exception.
I do not know what metric you use to define "better"
The dev did not "forget a single punctuation mark". It was there and it was correct. What was /not/ correct is that he did not implement any form of implicit resource freeing in an RAII-language. Doing resource management using scopes is a choice. It's not inherently better or worse than explicit resource management with something like Go's `defer`. But if that choice is made, as in Rust or C++, you have to ensure that the implicit resource management is correctly implemented (Drop in Rust, destructors in C++). Same as in Go, where you have to ensure that you call `defer` with the correct cleanup function or in C# where you have to use `using` on your disposables, etc.
He's a kid that "found" some pictures of an upcoming game, using dodgy means. But these pictures were publicly accessible, he didn't deceive an actual human to get them. Making them hidden, but public was a mistake by the company.
The real reason this happens is that the police doesn't understand, wants to punish the kid ... and youth services has lobbied so that locking up minors DOES NOT REQUIRE PROOF at trial, does not even require an actual accusation of a crime, in fact the kid gets none of the normal legal protections (because this is a 6 month prison sentence, in that the kid gets locked up, and could be an 18 month prison sentence)
During this time, the kid will be denied school, denied access to internet, books, friends, most of his family, he will be physically locked up (sometimes in solitary, although they get regularly accused of locking up autistic individuals for weeks/months). Oh and there is CONSTANT violence in these places.
But fundamentally this happens because there's no fair trial for minors. Why not? Youth "protection" keeps complaining that with the actual legal rights they can't do their job (or arguably even human rights, schooling, not being locked up unless convicted with full legal rights (not the case here), not locking up long times in solitary unless absolutely unavoidable (ie. NOT because of lack of funds and therefore no personnel for supervision), ...)
A fair trial against this kid would have failed since he was caught by illegal means (the police committed a crime to lure him into a trap, which is NOT legal, and frankly totally immoral).
I hope if you do security related work, remember this case. If you expose a security vulnerability, and get offered a job, there's now many examples of that job being an excuse to get you thrown into prison for years. Oh, and DESPITE this being totally illegal for the police to do.
Youth services can't do their job with normal legal rights for minors, because minors talk, and are aware with youth services offers (getting locked up without school, without friends/family, with constant punishment, and then at the end of it getting kicked into the street without any help). Although Youth Services lies about this to kids, it tends to be well known in the cities and "results in a lack of cooperation" (translation: kids, correctly, reason that they're better off abused than helped by Youth services). Oh and it doesn't help. Especially because the "kicked to the street" part, especially kids that don't have parental support for some reason, immediately turn to crime. And, of course, after a place like this, they don't want to be helped by anyone and hate the police.
The overall treatment of children, especially teenagers, in society is absolutely shocking. Literally they are like slaves. As a child, the family can be the single most tyrannical thing we will ever experience in our lifetimes. It can be a mini totalitarian dictatorship if you are unlucky to have bad parents.
In 100-200 years time from now people will be talking about this, just as we look back to barbaric times in the past now.
The Free Software movement is about "free as in speech, not as in beer" and control by the end user. The Open Source Software movement is about value leveraging in the marketplace for the profit of the vendor or distributor.
This list is about stuff you can get without paying for it ("free as in beer").
Because of pipewire this works for the whole system, and I don't think there's a Windows equivalent for that. But for editing a graph for a single playback pipeline there's GraphEdit† for DirectShow which is kind of similar (but not as powerful)?
This is just a GUI for the underlying Pipewire sound software, which is what the applications actually talks to. I don't think you get something like that on Windows.
They're elected for their political platforms and ideology, not their ability to manage budgets, evidenced by alarming deficit spending. Overwhelmingly across the world, governments have a proven track record of wastefulness, inefficiency and bloat.
In the last few years, elected officials (in the USA) spent over $10 billion on a wall. The previous admin's COVID relief bill included billions towards missiles, warships and other military spending. The current admin's $1T+ infrastructure bill allocates less than half of that amount towards roads, highways, bridges, tunnels, etc.
It includes billions in corporate subsidies and items like over $500M to Alaska including $100M for an airport when no other airport in the country even received $10M (AL senator Shelby is the ranking member of the Appropriations Committee). Middleburg VA gets $2M for a new town hall, and Palo Alto CA gets $3M for their history museum. Giving these people _more_ money is madness.