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1. Red Hat, Oracle, Sun, Others Join to Pitch Open Source to Feds (nytimes.com)
2 points by OperaLover on July 22, 2009 | past | 1 comment
2. Buddy Media Unveils The Ultimate Twitter Client For Brand Management (techcrunch.com)
1 point by OperaLover on July 22, 2009 | past
3. Love, Virtually: Why it's so easy to sell (sucker) relationships online (nytimes.com)
11 points by OperaLover on July 11, 2009 | past | 7 comments
4. Workaround for Firefox 3.5 slow startups on Windows - Mozilla Links (mozillalinks.org)
1 point by OperaLover on July 11, 2009 | past
5. ImageShack Hacked by Anti-sec Movement (mashable.com)
1 point by OperaLover on July 11, 2009 | past
6. Google Adds More Images to Local Search Results (readwriteweb.com)
1 point by OperaLover on July 10, 2009 | past
7. Lunascape. Now with: Choose your own rendering engine (webworkerdaily.com)
7 points by OperaLover on July 10, 2009 | past | 1 comment
8. TechCrunch Europas: The Finalists and the Winners (techcrunch.com)
6 points by OperaLover on July 10, 2009 | past | 1 comment
9. How to interview a client: Before you take on the project (sitepoint.com)
2 points by OperaLover on July 10, 2009 | past
10. Bebo's Michael Birch launches $49m startup fund for Europe (techcrunch.com)
1 point by OperaLover on July 10, 2009 | past
11. Flickr founders name project "Tiny Speck"; starts hiring (techcrunch.com)
13 points by OperaLover on July 10, 2009 | past | 3 comments
12. Redfin Turns Profitable, Real Estate Industry Shudders (techcrunch.com)
51 points by OperaLover on July 10, 2009 | past | 44 comments
13. Ads on social networks will drop, then climb (bizjournals.com)
1 point by OperaLover on July 10, 2009 | past
14. Stanford’s iPhone U: The rise of the armchair coder (cnn.com)
4 points by OperaLover on July 9, 2009 | past

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