The "about" book implies that you should have some experience in programming language first. However, there still exists something called qbasic, however, to replace the old gwbasic from days of old.
EDIT: passage from book/site:
"As far as programming skills, we assume you have had some exposure to computer programming using some language. If that language is Small Basic, great!! We offer two beginning Small Basic tutorials that could help you gain that exposure (see our website for details). But, if you’ve ever programmed in any language (Visual Basic, C, C++, C#, Java, J#, Ada, even FORTRAN), you should be able to follow what’s going on."
EDIT: passage from book/site: "As far as programming skills, we assume you have had some exposure to computer programming using some language. If that language is Small Basic, great!! We offer two beginning Small Basic tutorials that could help you gain that exposure (see our website for details). But, if you’ve ever programmed in any language (Visual Basic, C, C++, C#, Java, J#, Ada, even FORTRAN), you should be able to follow what’s going on."