The IE6 era (2001 to 2005 or 2006) was a period of great creativity, and it was when a lot of dominant web properties became established. Examples include Wikipedia, LinkedIn, Second Life, The Pirate Bay, MySpace, Orkut, Facebook, Gmail, Flickr, OpenSreetMap, YouTube, MegaUpload, Pandora and Twitter.
Web 2.0 became popular during that era (2004 onwards).
That "stagnation" compares rather well with much of the flashy, transient rubbish being launched nowadays.
Also, when it came out, IE6 was the most standards-compliant browser and generally performed better than its main rivals.
Web 2.0 became popular during that era (2004 onwards).
That "stagnation" compares rather well with much of the flashy, transient rubbish being launched nowadays.
Also, when it came out, IE6 was the most standards-compliant browser and generally performed better than its main rivals.