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I have to say, that after 3 years in the corporate world, I've come to realise many of the same things and I think if I were to write a blog post on the same subject, I would make many of the exact same suggestions.

However, it's one thing to read this article and think about how to improve yourself and your life at work but how do you go about improving others and the way they work? Sriram mentions is that the people you work with is much more important than the work itself. If your team-mate is reluctant to go out of his comfort zone, or thinks so much of himself as to brush off other people's requests for help, what would you do? Email the team a link to this article? Or jump ship to another team?

I'm a big believer in constant self improvement, but unless you're very lucky to be in a team wholly of smart, friendly people, improving others is surely the only way to a happy, productive team.

PS: Does this mean I'm turning into a manager? I hope not... :p

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