I think the best way to think about this is in terms of frame rate or really thought rate. If only the subconscious portions of your mind were operating at a heightened frequency you would likely only remember making decisions quickly like the pilot in this article. If only your consciousness was operating at the heightened frequency you would likely remember time slowing down without being able to move like "a deer in the headlights." As the article points out, the natural mechanism for this sensory modulation is a complex soup of hormones that increase blood flow and neural activity in your brain. The question is not how fast or slow is the brain relative to one second per second, but how many decisions and perceptions can the brain make in one second.
That's a better way of framing the subject than I was even expecting. Excellent and thanks! Yes, my question does boil down to "how many decisions and perceptions" per second plus if these event indicate it might be modified to be beneficial. So, decisions and perceptions per second might be the natural starting point for research field.