Redux looks awesome. I am using react-dnd and hot reloader on my current project and they are great. Thank you for all the great contributions you are making to the ecosystem.
The idea of modeling the store as a reducer is clever. Complication I see is that my action creators are often not pure functions (i.e. there is generally a side effect to update the database and persist the change). However, given the focus of redux on improving the dev workflow, I suppose database updates/side effects could be mocked out. How would you handle this scenario?
What would actually be awesome to have and go hand-in-hand with redux is an immutable write-only isomorphic database (for application state persistence), where you use the same initial state/reducer for redux and the database. Database stores initial state, logs actions and computes the current state using the reducer (and caches it) - much like redux on the client. Curious to hear what people think about this or if anyone has seen anything like it.
>Complication I see is that my action creators are often not pure functions (i.e. there is generally a side effect to update the database and persist the change).
Redux looks awesome. I am using react-dnd and hot reloader on my current project and they are great. Thank you for all the great contributions you are making to the ecosystem.
The idea of modeling the store as a reducer is clever. Complication I see is that my action creators are often not pure functions (i.e. there is generally a side effect to update the database and persist the change). However, given the focus of redux on improving the dev workflow, I suppose database updates/side effects could be mocked out. How would you handle this scenario?
What would actually be awesome to have and go hand-in-hand with redux is an immutable write-only isomorphic database (for application state persistence), where you use the same initial state/reducer for redux and the database. Database stores initial state, logs actions and computes the current state using the reducer (and caches it) - much like redux on the client. Curious to hear what people think about this or if anyone has seen anything like it.