That’s one way to put it. The other is that besides the government IMF fucked up too by setting unrealistic goals, like a 4% surplus by 2016 which led Tsipras denying continuation of the program to avoid further damage to the economy (those goals were eventually reduced but it now seems too little too late). Everyone is looking for a scapegoat. The government is blaming ECB and the Germans, EU is blaming the government, and IMF is blaming everyone including Lagarde who can’t seem to get her head out of her ass. Then there is US who see what a clustefuck this whole situation is but can’t do anything but nagging the Germans to become a bit more flexible and in order to put some pressure on them decided to make the report public just when Tsipras abandoned negotiations.
There is a Greek proverb saying that when too many roosters sign the dawn comes late.
There is a Greek proverb saying that when too many roosters sign the dawn comes late.