Truth. German and Greek taxpayers are paying back rich creditors that made dumb loans. The Greek people get especially screwed. The current shot-callers have little interest in long-term political stability and the well-being of citizens. They just want their money back and are glad to turn this into a morality play. What makes it worse is that Germany is just about the worst actor to be preaching from the pulpit of economic morality. They have benefitted multiple times in the past from debt forgiveness and the chance to rebuild. There was a time when the world realized the error of exacting retribution through economic penalties. Hence the willingness of allies (primarily the US) to dump tons of capital into rebuilding Germany, even after they started WWII. Then a ton more debt was forgiven later since Germany could NOT afford to service their debt and build their economy- a deal Greece would kill for. Instead Greece wants to run a slightly lower surplus so they can provide services, a social safety net and some stimulus... bastards /s.