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Interesting fact w/r/t how pissed people are at him on Reddit: people have gone back and downvoted every single one of his comments now, to the point that several pages back his comments (typically which get upvoted like crazy) are in the negatives.


This seems over blown

Still, it is only symbolic. Not that internet points are really that important anyway but seeing as his last posts are already 4 days old, all this reactionary downvoting will do nothing to his overall "karma". After 2 days, a downvote will not reduce your karma. So yeah, all this does is show the rest that apparently there are a lot of upset people out there.

> All this does is show the rest that apparently there are a lot of upset people out there.

Which is actually important; if you run the site and your comments have a -2000 karma your users are telling you a very clear message that something isn't right.

I guess people take their pointless internet comments way too seriously.

Kind of funny. On the one hand the angry mobs want their freeze peach. On the other hand they seem awfully touchy about people, well, exercising their free speech.

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